
Review Detail of Wallker in Carefree Path of a Wondering Stranger

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Based on things you've said in the past I was expecting far more from you, for shame author, for shame. Perfect example, I never understood how some people who read suddenly forget how things should be formated when they write there own. You've disappointed me.

Carefree Path of a Wondering Stranger


Curtido por 11 pessoas




My apologies my guy honestly this is my first time writing anything in facts so I kinda suck but I will slowly try improve it. Thank you for taking the time to read my horrible work lol, and for sharing your opinion with me, appreciate it.


Don't listen to him I love your novel


wasn't planning on even reading this but I love your attitude author so I gotta give it a chance xD

MasterBeast7016:My apologies my guy honestly this is my first time writing anything in facts so I kinda suck but I will slowly try improve it. Thank you for taking the time to read my horrible work lol, and for sharing your opinion with me, appreciate it.

So you don't want the author to improve? Weird.

Lord_tabs:Don't listen to him I love your novel

I really want to read but I have no idea what worlds he would visit as neither it's mentioned in the synopsis nor a any info chapter or matter of fact not tilted chapters hence I rather not waste as if he visit some worlds that I hate I would have wasted my time

MasterBeast7016:My apologies my guy honestly this is my first time writing anything in facts so I kinda suck but I will slowly try improve it. Thank you for taking the time to read my horrible work lol, and for sharing your opinion with me, appreciate it.

There are titles just enter the chapter to see it, I'll add that in future as I'm deciding on the world's. I know it's lacking as of now. I apologize for that.

Sin_of_GREED:I really want to read but I have no idea what worlds he would visit as neither it's mentioned in the synopsis nor a any info chapter or matter of fact not tilted chapters hence I rather not waste as if he visit some worlds that I hate I would have wasted my time

At least bloody add that this starts in mha It is not directly mentioned in any title, I had to go through ten before I got that it is likely that there is some bleach influence and mha probably the main world And that is with reading a few words right beneath the titles of the chapters which are in the chapters. I was only even sure after checking nearly all chapters...

MasterBeast7016:There are titles just enter the chapter to see it, I'll add that in future as I'm deciding on the world's. I know it's lacking as of now. I apologize for that.

Alright I'll add a tag for that

animadrop:At least bloody add that this starts in mha It is not directly mentioned in any title, I had to go through ten before I got that it is likely that there is some bleach influence and mha probably the main world And that is with reading a few words right beneath the titles of the chapters which are in the chapters. I was only even sure after checking nearly all chapters...

thanks bro 👍🏻 for saving my time 👊👍😁 ur sacrifice is appreciated

animadrop:At least bloody add that this starts in mha It is not directly mentioned in any title, I had to go through ten before I got that it is likely that there is some bleach influence and mha probably the main world And that is with reading a few words right beneath the titles of the chapters which are in the chapters. I was only even sure after checking nearly all chapters...

damn author u r a really good at the dao of lurking I was like I just posted it and author liked I was like what

Sin_of_GREED:thanks bro 👍🏻 for saving my time 👊👍😁 ur sacrifice is appreciated

oh it's automatic no matter what r comments r it gets liked the author

Sin_of_GREED:damn author u r a really good at the dao of lurking I was like I just posted it and author liked I was like what

really it's automatic

Sin_of_GREED:oh it's automatic no matter what r comments r it gets liked the author

Please go back on all chapter to update them and space the text, right now it's the main reason why I sopped reading at chapter 2, it's too packed.

MasterBeast7016:My apologies my guy honestly this is my first time writing anything in facts so I kinda suck but I will slowly try improve it. Thank you for taking the time to read my horrible work lol, and for sharing your opinion with me, appreciate it.