
Review Detail of Sleepy247365 in Cultivation Online

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Great novel started quite a bit later then others but finally caught up sadly. Overall from the characters to the ideas and plot made this story very enjoyable and fun to read and i totally recommend other to try this novel to :)

Cultivation Online


Curtido por 2 pessoas




The author is not updating properly. I highly suggest the Author concentrate on this story.


I feel the same ways but this is life and sometimes people get busy with things so all we can do now is wait.

GreenFlame:The author is not updating properly. I highly suggest the Author concentrate on this story.

Authors usually like to finish one book first rather than starting three and never finish a single one 😅 I feel bad for all of the people that supported dual cultivation and cultivation online. People have sent loads of $ to support the novel to be finished, but oh well. Usually, when his stories get to around 1000 chapters, he doesn't update them as much or at all like DC and now CO. I think dual cultivation might have had like 30 chapters max out in the last year. Once WSA 2023 happens, he'll start another novel once his magic system reaches 1000 and then drop that one. I would recommend that no one buy privilege tbh. Why support something that won't ever be finished? It's clear he cannot complete the novels that he starts. He's like George RR Martin, but at least George finished a few books of Game of Thrones 😆

Sleepy247365:I feel the same ways but this is life and sometimes people get busy with things so all we can do now is wait.

Couldn't agree more. The author should at least inform us in advance than straight up abandoning them. Anyway, why do you also purchase privilege? 😅

puremichigan:Authors usually like to finish one book first rather than starting three and never finish a single one 😅 I feel bad for all of the people that supported dual cultivation and cultivation online. People have sent loads of $ to support the novel to be finished, but oh well. Usually, when his stories get to around 1000 chapters, he doesn't update them as much or at all like DC and now CO. I think dual cultivation might have had like 30 chapters max out in the last year. Once WSA 2023 happens, he'll start another novel once his magic system reaches 1000 and then drop that one. I would recommend that no one buy privilege tbh. Why support something that won't ever be finished? It's clear he cannot complete the novels that he starts. He's like George RR Martin, but at least George finished a few books of Game of Thrones 😆