
Review Detail of Bigdaddy_mew in Lo Recant, The Rise of The Dragon King

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Here is a short and quick review of the novel: The MC: Is a murder hobo, and is literally the incarnation of Hitler and Satan's child. Loves to kill people and torture them for amusement. And has a minor case of a **** ton of severe mental problems -- classic for my novels. The World: Is a floating continent, which is shaped like a pyramid pointing downwards. Is 1000Km length and width. More in the novel. The Culture: ??? (Just read the novel) The Races: Humans, Dragons, Goblins, basic fantasy shit and more. The Characters: A **** ton. The Lore and History: A **** ton The Novel's True Genre: Epic Fantasy Massive Wars: Fuck Yeah Deaths: Oh! Yes! Major Characters Death: Did somebody say games of thrones? Upload: Basically once every fucking week! I'm really slow! Chapter Length: From .5K to 8-10K+ Writing Quality: Guess it yourself.

Lo Recant, The Rise of The Dragon King


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I hate you you f*uckig censor, all of the censored words are F-U-C-K, Friends United to C*ock fu*ck Kyle