
Review Detail of Iamtheking22 in The Beautiful CEO is a Detective

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I liked the boook but some part of that book doesn't allow me to give full ratings. I am also not able to tell what's wrong here. Please take it positively author.

The Beautiful CEO is a Detective


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You have got the wrong idea bro. It's not like that. You can check my account I have not written anything. ANd I have also not made any fake account. Sorry if I wronged you by posting negative comment.

Sihansiregar:you literally giving the same shit to some novels and I know why are you doing this. you're a new author with a new book, and somehow the novels that you've given this shit have a better rank while all of your ** and reviews were from yourself with your fake accounts. You wanna make the novels that you've given this shit are going down while your novel is starting rising, right, bastard? But unfortunately, a fucking trash person like you will never ever be on the top, I'm not on the top yet but I can see where are you will going as long as you're a trash like this. It's okay to support your novel with your fake accounts, but don't drag other novels down just because you wanna rising. It's a disgusting thing, shame on you

you literally giving the same shit to some novels and I know why are you doing this. you're a new author with a new book, and somehow the novels that you've given this shit have a better rank while all of your ** and reviews were from yourself with your fake accounts. You wanna make the novels that you've given this shit are going down while your novel is starting rising, right, bastard? But unfortunately, a fucking trash person like you will never ever be on the top, I'm not on the top yet but I can see where are you will going as long as you're a trash like this. It's okay to support your novel with your fake accounts, but don't drag other novels down just because you wanna rising. It's a disgusting thing, shame on you


You're such a liar, what a terrible person. AJPaturde is your real account, admit it, you also gave the same shit on this account to many new books, except to your own book, you and AJPaturde have the same joined date, and AJPaturde has posted the same review just like yours to a book. You have no chance to lying, rat.

Iamtheking22:You have got the wrong idea bro. It's not like that. You can check my account I have not written anything. ANd I have also not made any fake account. Sorry if I wronged you by posting negative comment.

HMMMM~ you sure have to much time to check on other people profiles. what a slacker. lol. well if that's what you want to think then go aheadd!! like it matters me. *laugh* AJPaturde. I just love his book, any prob with that? what if we joined at the same date? we are different person! Just don't go on making assumptions without any real proof.

Sihansiregar:You're such a liar, what a terrible person. AJPaturde is your real account, admit it, you also gave the same shit on this account to many new books, except to your own book, you and AJPaturde have the same joined date, and AJPaturde has posted the same review just like yours to a book. You have no chance to lying, rat.

lmao I have so many proofs to show. But just go f-u-c-k yourself, Aman, and stop dragging other novels down!

Iamtheking22:HMMMM~ you sure have to much time to check on other people profiles. what a slacker. lol. well if that's what you want to think then go aheadd!! like it matters me. *laugh* AJPaturde. I just love his book, any prob with that? what if we joined at the same date? we are different person! Just don't go on making assumptions without any real proof.

wow! ~ you have also found my name?!! How was that possible bro? sorry for dragging others down. I realized my mistake. you can also delete the review then your rating will climb back to before it was me giving the review

Sihansiregar:lmao I have so many proofs to show. But just go f-u-c-k yourself, Aman, and stop dragging other novels down!