
Review Detail of AkiraLight in Necroking

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I'll be honest i suck at reviews so ill try my best, my opinion is the story feels rushed. Sometimes in the novel when the mc is planning on doing something, he skips the process and jumps into doing what he planned, this kills the flow of the story and feels rushed as we missed the development of the character. with the poor grammar is hard to follow the story's flow. the main character comes off as impulsive and aragant at times. for instance when he first saved the elf village, scarface or (whatever his name) asked him why he couldn't save them earlier, obviously he was to emotional and went through a traumatic event. dosent mean it was right to complain to some who saved your people.. but still the mc instantly jumps to the decision to accept a duel. the setting instantly changes, not giving readers enough time to understand scarface personality and type of person he is. the Mc comes of as a bully in this situation, knowing their disparity in strength would be unfair. I would think he's teaching scarface a lesson, but again nothing was grammartold initially to suggest that as they went straight into a duel. the poor grammar only helps in confusing reader and destroying the flow of the story. I like your novel and can see potential in it. just make sure to work harder on the interaction between characters and your .



Curtido por 2 pessoas




Enlighten me more in future 👍


Thanks for your review I think I got a lot from it, in future I will definetly explain about events and characters ✌️. Stay tuned


Thanks for listening, the novel is good and the mistakes can be fixed, im already excited for the improved chapters as i like the story of the novel.

Bobby007:Thanks for your review I think I got a lot from it, in future I will definetly explain about events and characters ✌️. Stay tuned