
Review Detail of XIETIAN in Samsara Online

Detalhe da revisão


I decided to remove the previous review and write a completely new one. The reason? you may ask. Well, the reason is that my previous review didn't give too much information about the novel, so I decided to write a little about the story here. Pros: 1) I consider that writing only about the virtual world is boring, so I will also take some chapters to build a solid and meaningful real world as it is necessary for future chapters. This can be considered an advantage or a disadvantage, according to your personal preference. 2) Harem not big or small (it depends on the preference of each one if it is an advantage or not) 3) Characters with a clear personality division. For example: the MC is playful and fun for the people he appreciates, but he is indifferent, casual and polite for the rest of the people. 4) A strong protagonist in the real world and in the virtual world, but he will still face challenges, many challenges. 5) An interesting plot. Cons: 1) Harem (as I said, it depends on one's preference) 2) The story is not just about the virtual world. There will be interesting scenes from the real world (as I said, it depends on one's preference if it is an advantage or a disadvantage) 3) There may be minor errors, however, it does not make the story difficult to read in the least. Still, I try to fix those details as quickly as possible. 4) I will not bother too much to shape secondary characters and I will focus more on those characters that will continue to be part of the story. Additional information: Chapter update: 1 chapter per day, if the objectives of the synopsis are met, more chapters. Chapter length: 1500 - 2000 words per chapter. If you have questions about the plot or forgot something, you can ask your question in the comments (politely) and I will answer to clarify doubts whenever possible. In this novel there are supernatural powers, so don't try to make everything too logical. Now, I will not take up any more of your time. I hope you enjoy the story and, if you think it's worth it, vote for it and add it to your library. Cordially, the shameless author who gives himself 5 stars. ^^

Samsara Online


Curtido por 66 pessoas




Small criticism: With VR novels or other novels with a status screen I feel like authors have a tendency to paste the entire status bar with updates to show progression, but it ends up feeling jarring and becoming a massive text wall that I have to scroll through every chapter. I feel like this used to happen ALOT back when the video game isekai genre started becoming hot, and am surprised your novel shares the trait. Not sure if anyone else feels the same way..


why have harem why not just casual relationships with a few then when he has found the 1 he stays with her


Because in this novel the harem is necessary, since it is not the typical harem formed casually. Everything has a destiny and a story behind it.

Brian70707:why have harem why not just casual relationships with a few then when he has found the 1 he stays with her

Do you plan to make a heroine marry or have *** with someone else?


Do they like have a predsetined bond? “Soul bond” some may call. I hate it so gotta know🤷‍♂️

XIETIAN:Because in this novel the harem is necessary, since it is not the typical harem formed casually. Everything has a destiny and a story behind it.

I have yet to read but I get shura’s wrath vibes from your description.


Auther please continue your work despite the dislike from the people. btw Can you iNcrease the harem size :3


Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it. Answering your question: all the girls in the harem of the main character have an intertwined destiny, they will not be girls picked up casually like most novels.

Mister_Poopie:Auther please continue your work despite the dislike from the people. btw Can you iNcrease the harem size :3

Hello author! I would just like to say, as someone that has just started to read this,(Like got to chapter 4) there is definitely some forced plot, but its still interesting. However, my question for you is, will there be any R-18 with any of the members?

XIETIAN:Thank you for your comment, I really appreciate it. Answering your question: all the girls in the harem of the main character have an intertwined destiny, they will not be girls picked up casually like most novels.

Eh? You have only read up to chapter 4, I don't understand what you mean by forced plot lmao. Until chapter 4 of the novel only two characters are briefly introduced (three if we add Jade) and the basic statistics and the virtual world are explained. There is no plot in those 4 chapters. I hope you can continue reading, believe me there is no forced plot in my novel. People who read my fan fic (a novel I wrote just for fun) know that EVERYTHING I write makes sense. You just need to continue the story to understand, as everything is revealed slowly and gradually.

QuestionableReadin:Hello author! I would just like to say, as someone that has just started to read this,(Like got to chapter 4) there is definitely some forced plot, but its still interesting. However, my question for you is, will there be any R-18 with any of the members?

Sorry then, its my bad for that. Still your novels really hod and I hope you dont drop

XIETIAN:Eh? You have only read up to chapter 4, I don't understand what you mean by forced plot lmao. Until chapter 4 of the novel only two characters are briefly introduced (three if we add Jade) and the basic statistics and the virtual world are explained. There is no plot in those 4 chapters. I hope you can continue reading, believe me there is no forced plot in my novel. People who read my fan fic (a novel I wrote just for fun) know that EVERYTHING I write makes sense. You just need to continue the story to understand, as everything is revealed slowly and gradually.

What made you go the NTR route?

XIETIAN:Because in this novel the harem is necessary, since it is not the typical harem formed casually. Everything has a destiny and a story behind it.

I don't know what novel you're reading to say that. At least so far, my novel doesn't have any of what you're saying. Are you drunk? lmao

GodOfDeath1999:What made you go the NTR route?

No but you did make it seem like his ex-girlfriend was giving up her happiness via marriage so that she could help the MC.

XIETIAN:I don't know what novel you're reading to say that. At least so far, my novel doesn't have any of what you're saying. Are you drunk? lmao

You still don't explain how you came to the conclusion of NTR... Do you know what NTR is? At what point did Xie Feng's ex-girlfriend have *** with another guy? Is there any mention of this in my novel?

GodOfDeath1999:No but you did make it seem like his ex-girlfriend was giving up her happiness via marriage so that she could help the MC.

No but you did kinda himt she would be marrying another guy so it is borderline NTR if she ends up with that guy. She does not have to sleep with the guy for it to be NTR.

XIETIAN:You still don't explain how you came to the conclusion of NTR... Do you know what NTR is? At what point did Xie Feng's ex-girlfriend have *** with another guy? Is there any mention of this in my novel?

Putting aside the previous topic how many chapters long do you plan to make this novel?

XIETIAN:You still don't explain how you came to the conclusion of NTR... Do you know what NTR is? At what point did Xie Feng's ex-girlfriend have *** with another guy? Is there any mention of this in my novel?

So you have harem but is the world you have made allows polygamy because most Women would not let another woman invade on their relationship


As I said in the synopsis, everything is destined. If you read the novel to advanced chapters, you will understand what I mean.

Roon_Toon1:So you have harem but is the world you have made allows polygamy because most Women would not let another woman invade on their relationship

Will you continue the Zombie emperor?


I am surprised at the number of people who are now clamoring for Zombie Emperor. My question to everyone is always the same: Before, people didn't vote for the novel, so now why do so many readers suddenly care? As for your question: Zombie Emperor is a fanfic that I started writing for fun and the only thing I asked in return was votes to know if you liked the novel or not. But since nobody voted, I assume it was boring. What's the point of writing fanfic if it's boring? It will be on hiatus for a LOT of time since what happened before took away all my motivation to continue.

Sin_of_Beauty:Will you continue the Zombie emperor?