
Review Detail of KenceRussel in Primordial Darkness Heretic Art

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Hello, I am the author of 'Primordial Heretic Darkness Art' I hope you can support me in the writing contest by voting power stones in my novel. Thank you!!

Primordial Darkness Heretic Art


Curtido por 46 pessoas






No. Its trash. Its most awful I had read so far.


Bro, it is just chapter one. Wait for five or more chapter before you judge.

AutoChaos:No. Its trash. Its most awful I had read so far.

Writing is bad. Imagination is bad. Don't need to waste time. Nit that desperate

AntiNoob:Bro, it is just chapter one. Wait for five or more chapter before you judge.

Why dont you go write ur own novel if u want to read only high class novels then?? Dont be a fuckin as*hole to newbie authors.

AutoChaos:No. Its trash. Its most awful I had read so far.



Romance? Single or multiple love interests?




This may sound harsh, but could you use a autcorrecting software? The story synopsis looks great but the first chapter english grammar made me wonder if you even care about what you write.





Question, does the grammar get better? I cant read through the first chapter without crying... i won’t unles someone, anyone tells me it gets better


You lack brain cells and chromosomes, perhaps mentally disabled that u actually are able to read this piece of hippo manure. lol

Lord_Meph1sto:Why dont you go write ur own novel if u want to read only high class novels then?? Dont be a fuckin as*hole to newbie authors.

Oh my,what do I see here?? A fuckin lazy ass who couldn't even write a piece of shit but criticizing some ******* authors since that's the only place he can act like a top dog without any consequences. Whatever suits your ass dude,whatever. I too have scolded authors b4 like u until I personally tried writing one,so now I don't do it. Oh, don't bother replying anymore too

AimanFaroqq:You lack brain cells and chromosomes, perhaps mentally disabled that u actually are able to read this piece of hippo manure. lol

Hah i bet your writing are definitely worst than the smell of a decomposed rat..I believe nothing gonna happen to me anyway haha and what the fck can you do to me? Get your shit right eh you lil rodent. do you need some rat poison juice? or perhaps a tumor grew inside your brain that it turns you into a retard. Garbage writer deserve a garbage treatment or else they will never grow and remain a garbage with countless of pest residing in it.

Lord_Meph1sto:Oh my,what do I see here?? A fuckin lazy ass who couldn't even write a piece of shit but criticizing some ******* authors since that's the only place he can act like a top dog without any consequences. Whatever suits your ass dude,whatever. I too have scolded authors b4 like u until I personally tried writing one,so now I don't do it. Oh, don't bother replying anymore too

lol haha!!!! "your writing are definitely worst than". Just come back to flaunt ur pride after u learn basic English. Idiot! Why should I do anything to you, don't just randomly overestimate urself everywhere. "Get your shit right eh lil rodent" You don't even have a proper slang and you just spit out some Hollywood flashy English like think of yourself as smtg,oh pls,just stop making me laugh 😂. I know my english and maybe my writing isn't much but still I think I m better than u fake shit

AimanFaroqq:Hah i bet your writing are definitely worst than the smell of a decomposed rat..I believe nothing gonna happen to me anyway haha and what the fck can you do to me? Get your shit right eh you lil rodent. do you need some rat poison juice? or perhaps a tumor grew inside your brain that it turns you into a retard. Garbage writer deserve a garbage treatment or else they will never grow and remain a garbage with countless of pest residing in it.

Not gonna lie thou.. you really lack brain cells and chromosomes considering how you had to use all of your neuron system just to counter my argument hahah because welll im talking about facts after all. Also english is my 4th language and my lack of understanding in english doesnt even bother me at all but it actually made you cringe all over and that just show how u are worst than a fcking rat..bet your daily meals are boar genitals. But well trash is trash after all. Only uneducated people read and make trash novel and everytime someone smart read these garbages and give some critics, these idiots still think their story own the literature. If these was middle ages i bet you are my slave and war fodder now . Stop writing u dumb shit, you are shaming books

Lord_Meph1sto:lol haha!!!! "your writing are definitely worst than". Just come back to flaunt ur pride after u learn basic English. Idiot! Why should I do anything to you, don't just randomly overestimate urself everywhere. "Get your shit right eh lil rodent" You don't even have a proper slang and you just spit out some Hollywood flashy English like think of yourself as smtg,oh pls,just stop making me laugh 😂. I know my english and maybe my writing isn't much but still I think I m better than u fake shit

Lol u four eyed chuuni brat, are u living in middle of some jungle or smtg , rat this boar that. U say u r so smart and yet u r here acting like a 8th grader. It's sad u weren't born in a western country, coz nerds like u, four eyes, will be the shits I can always find u in garbage box.

AimanFaroqq:Not gonna lie thou.. you really lack brain cells and chromosomes considering how you had to use all of your neuron system just to counter my argument hahah because welll im talking about facts after all. Also english is my 4th language and my lack of understanding in english doesnt even bother me at all but it actually made you cringe all over and that just show how u are worst than a fcking rat..bet your daily meals are boar genitals. But well trash is trash after all. Only uneducated people read and make trash novel and everytime someone smart read these garbages and give some critics, these idiots still think their story own the literature. If these was middle ages i bet you are my slave and war fodder now . Stop writing u dumb shit, you are shaming books

Hahahahahaha, So? What can you do about it ? With your intellect and degeneration, i believe even cow shit smell nice for you. And so what with wearing spectacles? dont tell me you are going to tell everyone with spectacles are chuunis? Damn your name alone already prove that you are more of an 8th grader that masturbate to words LOL. Oh right since you can find me in the garbage box that means you are that annoying rainbow coloured fly born from a mutated maggot kissing me all day long for survival

Lord_Meph1sto:Lol u four eyed chuuni brat, are u living in middle of some jungle or smtg , rat this boar that. U say u r so smart and yet u r here acting like a 8th grader. It's sad u weren't born in a western country, coz nerds like u, four eyes, will be the shits I can always find u in garbage box.

pfttt!! Vivid imagination u have there chuuni. I said chuuni bcoz of ur dialogues not coz of ur ugly look.

AimanFaroqq:Hahahahahaha, So? What can you do about it ? With your intellect and degeneration, i believe even cow shit smell nice for you. And so what with wearing spectacles? dont tell me you are going to tell everyone with spectacles are chuunis? Damn your name alone already prove that you are more of an 8th grader that masturbate to words LOL. Oh right since you can find me in the garbage box that means you are that annoying rainbow coloured fly born from a mutated maggot kissing me all day long for survival

A*** poor fly, losing in argument and thats all he had to said after all those taunting..no wonder western had it worst surviving the pandemic =/.

Lord_Meph1sto:pfttt!! Vivid imagination u have there chuuni. I said chuuni bcoz of ur dialogues not coz of ur ugly look.