
Review Detail of Harem_fan in Reincarnated as Issei with a Gamer System(DROPPED)

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DxD no harem [and Devil Peerage] is like Harry potter with no magic, Star Wars with no Force, X-Men with no mutants, One-piece with no oceans! The author of DxD would spit blood reading some of these portrayals of his art! I wont touch this trash! Oh well I do believe in freedom of speech but man could you do this story in Pokemon instead?

Reincarnated as Issei with a Gamer System(DROPPED)


Curtido por 156 pessoas




Well I am going to start reading it, if it’s no harem and no devil peerage. DxD has an amazing world to work with, but usually it gets over shadowed by harem’s, or focuses too much on the devils (like in canon). I have no problem with a harem story, but usually it trains the story. The author would not have time to flesh out the characters in the harem, and the characters that are not part of the harem almost never get character development. As for why I am not a big fan of devil peerage fanfic, is that people almost always shy away from the darker side of devils. They are not human, and should not be treated with human standards. To them power is everything, and those in power make it hard for others to reach their level. And peerages are just a collection of slaves. There would have been much better systems to implement the evil piece system if they just wanted to increase the population. And it would have been done in a way that best supports the devil society. Allow high class devils to own a peerage is another privilege for them, yet people don’t treat it with the gravity it is due. If I was a human with a sacred gear or another skill a devil would want and they offered me to turn me into a devil, and I wanted to, I would write a lengthy contract, detailing what I my duties as, what my restrictions are, and what are the things that I am not willing to do. Then I would ask for the price of my service. Since I will be agreeing to be a slave. Of course the price would not be needed if the devil gives me more concessions in the contract. Sadly most fanfic treat a devil’s peerage as a *** slave harem.


dxd without harem ?:


It could be worse he could be Naruto taking over DxD!

DearCompanion:dxd without harem ?:

I completely agree. I absolutely did not understand and refuse to understand people who write fan fiction (!) on harem (!) anime, but without a harem. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why not just choose another fandom or write the original? What's wrong with the author? Take popular fandom, but forget why it is popular.


Ha! A Haren fan? Go to hell! And take this red bitch with you.


Yoru_:Ha! A Haren fan? Go to hell! And take this red bitch with you.

Ryuu23:I completely agree. I absolutely did not understand and refuse to understand people who write fan fiction (!) on harem (!) anime, but without a harem. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why not just choose another fandom or write the original? What's wrong with the author? Take popular fandom, but forget why it is popular.

Without harem?


If you read the tags again you would see that the no harem tag has a question mark meaning it's all but confirmed that it's a harem if the Author wants one and it'll probs depend on if this Julia Chick wants a harem which she most likely will but still along as there is a question mark there is an over 50% chance of it being harem.


Sure but it still is not a harem........????

FilthiestCReader:If you read the tags again you would see that the no harem tag has a question mark meaning it's all but confirmed that it's a harem if the Author wants one and it'll probs depend on if this Julia Chick wants a harem which she most likely will but still along as there is a question mark there is an over 50% chance of it being harem.

FilthiestCReader:If you read the tags again you would see that the no harem tag has a question mark meaning it's all but confirmed that it's a harem if the Author wants one and it'll probs depend on if this Julia Chick wants a harem which she most likely will but still along as there is a question mark there is an over 50% chance of it being harem.

There are many DxD fanfics that aren't harem, my favorites are IsseixKuroka non-devil Issei. Don't kick it till you try it,

O conteúdo foi excluído

True, why choose DxD which is an harem anime and make it no-harem. I am not saying its impossible but generally in harem animes fans of those anime have their own favorite heroine and if you do not choose them as the main love interest it does not sit well. Plus introducing a love interest that is not even from the main cast simply defeats the purpose here. And although i do agree that DxD world does have great story that is generally not what the fans of it wants to read (mostly) which is a bad thing for a fan-fic. It would have been better to choose the anime,manga etc where fans of it focus more on the story than fanservice.


Yup it is no longer a "Fan fiction" but a "Parody"!

lord_couchpotato:True, why choose DxD which is an harem anime and make it no-harem. I am not saying its impossible but generally in harem animes fans of those anime have their own favorite heroine and if you do not choose them as the main love interest it does not sit well. Plus introducing a love interest that is not even from the main cast simply defeats the purpose here. And although i do agree that DxD world does have great story that is generally not what the fans of it wants to read (mostly) which is a bad thing for a fan-fic. It would have been better to choose the anime,manga etc where fans of it focus more on the story than fanservice.

Your point is valid and an open minded well spoken one!..BUT...I still wont eat a veggie burger when I can have a Carl's Black Angus!

TheMostAbstract:There are many DxD fanfics that aren't harem, my favorites are IsseixKuroka non-devil Issei. Don't kick it till you try it,


Well i like dxd becuse of the powers Like sacred gears, or peerages. That type of stuff.

Ryuu23:I completely agree. I absolutely did not understand and refuse to understand people who write fan fiction (!) on harem (!) anime, but without a harem. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Why not just choose another fandom or write the original? What's wrong with the author? Take popular fandom, but forget why it is popular.

Lick me


YameteAuthorSan:Lick me



You must have read too much fanfic with Rias who has an annoying personality and maybe you hate her, to be honest she is fine in anime.

Yoru_:Ha! A Haren fan? Go to hell! And take this red bitch with you.