
Review Detail of WikiLover in Marvel king remake (English) Abandoned

Detalhe da revisão


Writing quality: 1/5. It’s a machine translation, basically it’s impossible to understand. Stability: 2/5. This could go up but I doubt it since it’ll depend on the non English version updating. Story development: 4/5. Actually a good story, it’s a little weird but not a bad premise I enjoyed what I could understand. Character design: 3/5. Not really a unique character and I’m not a huge fan of the archetype the author follows. It’s a pretty standard Chinese protagonist who has everything kind of flow his way. Similar novels to this one like twelve steps to omnipotence have basically the same plot but the mc has to scrape and claw his way into the powers he gets where here it’s more like “hey you don’t know me but I can help you with this thing that should be classified and I should know nothing about. Huh? I look like a kid? Don’t worry about it I can solve all your problems. Huh? I’m super shady? Not a big deal forget about it.” And bam it’s like the MCU characters instantly love him, definitely not realistic from an American comics or American movie standpoint. World background: 3/5. Obviously the MCU is a 5/5 but this novel is just a fanfiction and on principle I like to dock fanfiction a in this category since original novels on this site have to put in extra work to build a world for their novel to function.

Marvel king remake (English) Abandoned


Liked it!




I am re-editing all the chapters for the things I miss so I will start to improve myself


I would like to know why you speak of Chinese character


There is also the fact that this fanfic is based of another fanfic that takes place in mcu ... and ontop of that the mc basically follows the same path ... only differens i have found is that he stole a bike instead of a supercar or whatever