
Review Detail of MilordInk in I Am No Hero But I Have To Be One

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So. Back again with a review- a more serious one. Y'all better give me some face and try the novel anyways after reading the review, since this one could become a gem. Writing Quality: 4.0 For now at least. There's only five chapters out at the time of my review, but from what I can see, the author has a lot of room to improve. But his writing as of right now, isn't unbearable, or horrible. I can easily look past his run-on sentences to see the story he's developing. He's also improving fast, and takes advice well so I know his writing style will definitely grow. (Bard, you have a 4 right now because I see a lot of potential) Stability of Updates: A compulsory 4.0 since I don't know his schedule- I'm not going to tank him if he just started writing his novel. I have feeling though, he'll be consistently putting out a few chapters every week. Story Development: 4.3, since there's definitely a story, though the future is vague. Can't say too much about the story itself(no spoilers)- so why don't you discover it yourself? Character Design: 4.0 since the MC is a bit too childish for my tastes, not really acting his age. Though, that is how the author intended him, the MC isn't too bad that I'll drop a good novel because of him. Other characters are vague at this point, so I'm still in wait-and-see mode for them. World Background: 4.0, decent enough. The author will probably expand on it later, but it's not bad either. Not much to say, so no comment. Phew. That's it. Really, that is. I'm breaking my ten chapters then review rule, but I had to do one anyways. It has a lot of room to grow, but the author has potential- and that is something that we readers should support. The birth of a good novel, isn't that what every reader wants? Try it. -Milord

I Am No Hero But I Have To Be One


Curtido por 2 pessoas




Do you guys actually read the replies? If you do, here's a cookie. Also- I'm a shameless geezer so I like my reviews. Like it too, you get another cookie, and my temporary support. Love the lot of you anyway, you crazy readers.


update: This is on temporary hold (probs as the author is revamping his story.) Hopefully it returns better for it and the author is ready to start writing. Perseverance is a quality that not all writers have, yet it is something that separates the long time favorites and the one-hit-one-go wonders.



MilordInk:update: This is on temporary hold (probs as the author is revamping his story.) Hopefully it returns better for it and the author is ready to start writing. Perseverance is a quality that not all writers have, yet it is something that separates the long time favorites and the one-hit-one-go wonders.