
Review Detail of Dimensionist in It's Lonely To Be Invincible

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Alright, let's do this according to the rubric Qidian assigns: Translation Quality/Stability of Updates: Neither can be properly verified given it's in Trial Read, so I just put that at 3 - the average. Story Development: It's basically about the same as one of this author's earlier novels, The Strongest System, so it gets no points from me on that - copy/pasting isn't exactly hard. Even disregarding that, however ... it seems like it doesn't quite know what to do with itself. Main character wants to escape? Wait, let's not. Even with what it *does* do, it's not like the story development so far is refreshing or interesting - it's formulaic, something you can find in basically any Xianxia of note. Character Design: It's Lin Fang. Across all the author's works, he's basically the same, and a quintessential non-character all the time. This isn't a character prone to depth or anything, he's just a tool for comedic hijinks and random 'moments of awesome' that have so far been something of a nothingburger considering the very premise of this story (along with some forced emotional moments that just made me roll my eyes, again because of the story premise - I guess they were played for humor, because of it? Didn't really appeal). The other characters aren't any better - they fulfill the stereotypes of the MC's buddies, his enemies are made out to be the scum of the earth, everything the MC does is to showcase his power and intelligence - you know the drill. World Background: Basically non-existent so far. It's a Xianxia world with sects, following the Xianxia tropes. Not exactly deep, yo. Mind, this is basically a cookie-cutter 'shameless protagonist Xianxia', so if that's what you like, then this is for you. It just does nothing interesting with it, or even explores the characters, situations or environment - what you go in this expecting, you get, so in that sense this might even be considered sensible of the author - churn out populist stuff that pleases the niche Xianxia audience, and hey, you get oodles of cash with little need for thinking deeply. Works like a charm.

It's Lonely To Be Invincible

Xin Feng

Curtido por 82 pessoas




No romance yet, just dude characters all super bros

MoonlessNight:Is this a harem?

Is this a harem?


you should only read this authors stories for comedy, not for the plot


Well, all reviews are subjective, and from most that give 1 star and say trash he did bring arguments about his rating and I kinda agree with him. It is a subpar novel.

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Nice review, I personally like this type of story though. I like Lin Fan and his shameless character. Maybe you think he has no personality but each story Lin Fan is similar but develops along with the setting of the world.


Lin Fan is the name of a godly guy so deep plots and whatnot matters not to him


I agree with every word. And deservedly 1 star. The problem is that many, as it turns out, love brainless main characters and simply cannot live without superficial and idiotic behavior, for them it is "very interesting" what will happen next. In general, they do not care that the plot will not be further, it generally does not exist at all. What is written in the description will be up to the last chapter of this garbage. These people who give 5 stars, read the same ****, and every fucking time they expect there to be an interesting plot twist ... Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Or they are sadomasochists. There is no dispute about tastes, but I personally don’t understand how this is possible. At least have the courage to rate this guano as it deserves - Repetitive, non-original, set of clichés with a ton of gaudy humor.


I agree with you but that isn't an Einstein quote.

Leoff:I agree with every word. And deservedly 1 star. The problem is that many, as it turns out, love brainless main characters and simply cannot live without superficial and idiotic behavior, for them it is "very interesting" what will happen next. In general, they do not care that the plot will not be further, it generally does not exist at all. What is written in the description will be up to the last chapter of this garbage. These people who give 5 stars, read the same ****, and every fucking time they expect there to be an interesting plot twist ... Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Or they are sadomasochists. There is no dispute about tastes, but I personally don’t understand how this is possible. At least have the courage to rate this guano as it deserves - Repetitive, non-original, set of clichés with a ton of gaudy humor.

Well, the Lin Fan stories are not to be taken seriously. They are not and will never be a perfect or top level novels. At least for me personally, I don't mind binge reading dozens of chapter whenever I'm tired of other novels and want to take a break. It's very fun and Lin Fan never fails to make me laugh. My point is, your whole argument can be ignored as it's not the novel/plot/world that attracts people to read, but it's the stupidity, silliness, and of course our favourite shameless young mast Lin Fan. Again, that's based on how I view these stories.


Truly so. “Madness is the exact repetition of the same action. Time after time, hoping for a change. This is insanity "- Albert Einstein did not say this As in the case with other dubious quotes, it was attributed to everyone and everyone: Albert Einstein himself, the American politician Benjamin Franklin and the writer Mark Twain. For some reason, Einstein "gets" these words more often than others. If you think about it, this phrase is more like a quote from an action movie or psychological thriller than the words of a scientist, poet or politician. An early version of the statement was published in a 1981 book published by the Society of Narcotics Anonymous, which was intended to help people undergoing rehabilitation: "Insanity is repeating the same mistakes, waiting for different results."

TrueTinker:I agree with you but that isn't an Einstein quote.

This kind of story is just for your casual reading. It will hurt you if anyone tales it seriously. 🥂


im may be late to this party but here is a breakdown of these type of books 1st they all have a system, 2nd they may even have a lotto system in the system to make mc has divine plot armor be less thick looking with the lotto draws etc 3rd xinxia power gain/trip so the big 3s System,Xinxia,Fast Power Gain for a broken mc and honestly these stories if used for comedy purposes are nice along with the face smacking moments are and will always be to a degree funny to people and many other books use this Formula and all are funny etc so you cant blame a author for sticking to a winning formula when he has bills to pay etc

shelwyn:Nice review, I personally like this type of story though. I like Lin Fan and his shameless character. Maybe you think he has no personality but each story Lin Fan is similar but develops along with the setting of the world.

Ok. We will still read it though. -Lin Fan’s brainless fans

Leoff:I agree with every word. And deservedly 1 star. The problem is that many, as it turns out, love brainless main characters and simply cannot live without superficial and idiotic behavior, for them it is "very interesting" what will happen next. In general, they do not care that the plot will not be further, it generally does not exist at all. What is written in the description will be up to the last chapter of this garbage. These people who give 5 stars, read the same ****, and every fucking time they expect there to be an interesting plot twist ... Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Or they are sadomasochists. There is no dispute about tastes, but I personally don’t understand how this is possible. At least have the courage to rate this guano as it deserves - Repetitive, non-original, set of clichés with a ton of gaudy humor.

The MC plot armor is too strong. This is to the point that i find that some of the other characters are doing illogical acts that does not make sense. For example in the early chapter, the fact that the MC says that he is the hero and helped kill the beast. No one doubts him at all and everyone accepts that he is the one without any proof. This is completely illogical of any human thinking. Even though this novel is meant to be comedic, but there should be some semblence of sanity from the other characters. Well it might just be personal preference, but even I enjoy reading comedic novels, but this is just a story with a complete lack of common sense. Some comedic novels like kuma kuma kuma bear does it a million times better. Its funny and yet does not have this nonsensical feel to it.


Pretty sure that's Vaas Montenegro from Far Cry 3

Leoff:Truly so. “Madness is the exact repetition of the same action. Time after time, hoping for a change. This is insanity "- Albert Einstein did not say this As in the case with other dubious quotes, it was attributed to everyone and everyone: Albert Einstein himself, the American politician Benjamin Franklin and the writer Mark Twain. For some reason, Einstein "gets" these words more often than others. If you think about it, this phrase is more like a quote from an action movie or psychological thriller than the words of a scientist, poet or politician. An early version of the statement was published in a 1981 book published by the Society of Narcotics Anonymous, which was intended to help people undergoing rehabilitation: "Insanity is repeating the same mistakes, waiting for different results."

Read this only for its comedy, and its op cheat.


You shouldn't read every novel like your review here. Lin Fan's novels are for PURE comedy and nothing else. Surely you already multiple Lin Fan's novels right? Based on your review at least. I wouldn't say your review is bad, instead is a very good one but you didn't write about the core point. It's for comedy. Not for the plot. Nobody cares about the plot, it's the comedy that we're here for. The stupidity you read. If you read for plot then good luck