
Review Detail of TheDolphin in Porter of Two Worlds

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WARNING: This is a harem novel! For those who are not hormonal teens, please stay away from this novel, and downvote it to ensure this disgrace of a book is not picked. Not only is it harem, it also posses a hormonal MC who is as dumb as a 10 year old. I've suffered so much reading this book, I beg of you to heed my words and not suffer as I have.

Porter of Two Worlds

Shi Wen

Curtido por 54 pessoas




how do u know its a harem? i read all 60 chaps and not finding it disgusting yet..... is there a link for more chaps?


Thanks. Droped. Harem/poligamy novels are disgusting and retarded. I realy liked the first 40 chapters, but harem? big no


thanks you saved me a good 15 minutes


I want to say thank you, but come on man. Not all of the teens love harem novel (I was **** at one point and I didn't like it, even until now). My fantasy is iron-man or any mecha.


im 16 and harem is the worst dog**** that gets abused. because most authors don't even know how to do harem right. they just disregard any character development aside from the Mc which blows as hell.


Why would you even care about it being a harem? It just changes the number of woman MC gets to put his d i c k into.


do you read mech maker

The_Good_Devil:I want to say thank you, but come on man. Not all of the teens love harem novel (I was **** at one point and I didn't like it, even until now). My fantasy is iron-man or any mecha.

SNOWFLAKES BEGONE! Go head off to the BL section where you belong!


I'm curious. How does it feel like to be an incel who has never even spoken to a real girl offline, but 'craves' harem online?

MlLF_AxxL:SNOWFLAKES BEGONE! Go head off to the BL section where you belong!

I'm also curious. How does it feel to be a snowflake that flutters through life with no meaning, but tries so hard to vexatiously impose on others only to melt away in loneliness and without anyone's notice? Life is as hard or easy as you make it. Harem is as enjoyable as BL is for you. (Don't lie about it snowflake.)

catvi:I'm curious. How does it feel like to be an incel who has never even spoken to a real girl offline, but 'craves' harem online?

Dont put words in my mouth incel. You didnt answer the question I asked first. Or is understanding a language you clearly can write so hard for you that you forgot the crux of the matter? Or is it my anime girl profile pic? Did it rattle you so much that you forgot about it? Locked in your dark basement, fapping to your imaginary waifu harem, wasting away at life. Is that really what you want? No don't answer, of course it is. The outside world has 3D females, which you is your antithesis. To answer your question, I'm no snowflake. Just because I hate harem doesnt mean i like bl. I don't want to impose upon u anything, just asked a question which you failed to answer. I have friends and family unlike you, so i aint lonely, incel.

MlLF_AxxL:I'm also curious. How does it feel to be a snowflake that flutters through life with no meaning, but tries so hard to vexatiously impose on others only to melt away in loneliness and without anyone's notice? Life is as hard or easy as you make it. Harem is as enjoyable as BL is for you. (Don't lie about it snowflake.)

Insta kill!

catvi:Dont put words in my mouth incel. You didnt answer the question I asked first. Or is understanding a language you clearly can write so hard for you that you forgot the crux of the matter? Or is it my anime girl profile pic? Did it rattle you so much that you forgot about it? Locked in your dark basement, fapping to your imaginary waifu harem, wasting away at life. Is that really what you want? No don't answer, of course it is. The outside world has 3D females, which you is your antithesis. To answer your question, I'm no snowflake. Just because I hate harem doesnt mean i like bl. I don't want to impose upon u anything, just asked a question which you failed to answer. I have friends and family unlike you, so i aint lonely, incel.

Why you using the word incel, you thought we were on reddit ( 4chan uses it but they prefer to use f a gg o t) or something? I bet you like to do r/woosh when people don't get a joke.

catvi:Dont put words in my mouth incel. You didnt answer the question I asked first. Or is understanding a language you clearly can write so hard for you that you forgot the crux of the matter? Or is it my anime girl profile pic? Did it rattle you so much that you forgot about it? Locked in your dark basement, fapping to your imaginary waifu harem, wasting away at life. Is that really what you want? No don't answer, of course it is. The outside world has 3D females, which you is your antithesis. To answer your question, I'm no snowflake. Just because I hate harem doesnt mean i like bl. I don't want to impose upon u anything, just asked a question which you failed to answer. I have friends and family unlike you, so i aint lonely, incel.

How is this a harem novel, the novel hasn't even reached or signified that there will be more than one wife unless it was from the raws.


Damn little Snowflake. You are taking it too personal, I tend to doubt how people can get along with you in your "not so lonely life". Are you sure they're not just playing along to your overbearing itchiness to b!tch, just so you can go back to thinking you have someone? I don't follow your lingo of the word 'incel', little snowflake. I feel you must be living well and isolated from the real world have such bitterness. I know how "3D" girls, or girls in real life, are like. I have an enjoyable life with plenty and I also know how to separate what I like reading to what I like to do in the "3D" world, as you say. Do I live without the ability to socialize in the real world? Nah, I just know how to prioritize between what I like reading to what is real life. Look in the mirror Snowflake, reading/liking harem doesn't make you an 'incel'. It's just a preference. I like to enjoy harem, just as much as you like BL...that's all really. BTW...I think BL genre is in the FL section. Just pointing you the way.

catvi:Dont put words in my mouth incel. You didnt answer the question I asked first. Or is understanding a language you clearly can write so hard for you that you forgot the crux of the matter? Or is it my anime girl profile pic? Did it rattle you so much that you forgot about it? Locked in your dark basement, fapping to your imaginary waifu harem, wasting away at life. Is that really what you want? No don't answer, of course it is. The outside world has 3D females, which you is your antithesis. To answer your question, I'm no snowflake. Just because I hate harem doesnt mean i like bl. I don't want to impose upon u anything, just asked a question which you failed to answer. I have friends and family unlike you, so i aint lonely, incel.

Oy, somebody get this horny **** off this site

MlLF_AxxL:Damn little Snowflake. You are taking it too personal, I tend to doubt how people can get along with you in your "not so lonely life". Are you sure they're not just playing along to your overbearing itchiness to b!tch, just so you can go back to thinking you have someone? I don't follow your lingo of the word 'incel', little snowflake. I feel you must be living well and isolated from the real world have such bitterness. I know how "3D" girls, or girls in real life, are like. I have an enjoyable life with plenty and I also know how to separate what I like reading to what I like to do in the "3D" world, as you say. Do I live without the ability to socialize in the real world? Nah, I just know how to prioritize between what I like reading to what is real life. Look in the mirror Snowflake, reading/liking harem doesn't make you an 'incel'. It's just a preference. I like to enjoy harem, just as much as you like BL...that's all really. BTW...I think BL genre is in the FL section. Just pointing you the way.

Harem is one of the novel category so please don't give it one star just because it is harem novel. If you don't like it please leave it alone. I don't like gay or lesbian novel but I never give it one star just because I don't like its taste after all people have different taste.


He thinks with his genitals. what do you expect lol

TheDolphin:Oy, somebody get this horny **** off this site

Simp detected

MlLF_AxxL:I'm also curious. How does it feel to be a snowflake that flutters through life with no meaning, but tries so hard to vexatiously impose on others only to melt away in loneliness and without anyone's notice? Life is as hard or easy as you make it. Harem is as enjoyable as BL is for you. (Don't lie about it snowflake.)

Just saying. I can understand that harem management is a very disappointing matter. But i don't understand your dislike for harem. As a manly man who has been in few relationships, my dream is peaceful harem with a lot of love, so i don't understand what is making look down on Harems. Your name is TheDolphin, i won't question your orientation or opinion but what you wrote is THE Disgrace here. Just because you don't like a other books of the same category do you need to write this kind of discriminating comment? I am ashamed for you, for the family that raised you and for your male lovers. I hope for you a happy comming out!!!! Kid get lost from my screen.


👨‍⚖️👨‍⚖️👨‍⚖️👨‍⚖️👨‍⚖️👨‍⚖️ Boss Teach me how to be awesome 👍👍👍👍👍

MlLF_AxxL:Damn little Snowflake. You are taking it too personal, I tend to doubt how people can get along with you in your "not so lonely life". Are you sure they're not just playing along to your overbearing itchiness to b!tch, just so you can go back to thinking you have someone? I don't follow your lingo of the word 'incel', little snowflake. I feel you must be living well and isolated from the real world have such bitterness. I know how "3D" girls, or girls in real life, are like. I have an enjoyable life with plenty and I also know how to separate what I like reading to what I like to do in the "3D" world, as you say. Do I live without the ability to socialize in the real world? Nah, I just know how to prioritize between what I like reading to what is real life. Look in the mirror Snowflake, reading/liking harem doesn't make you an 'incel'. It's just a preference. I like to enjoy harem, just as much as you like BL...that's all really. BTW...I think BL genre is in the FL section. Just pointing you the way.