
Review Detail of Sighgray in SCEPTIX: THE LEGEND OF MAGIC

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First, I won't sugarcoat this review just like the others. I think what they're doing is not really helping you but harming you instead. Because that way, you won't learn. One thing you need is a VERY SERIOUS EDITING. Words that are needed to be capitalized are not capitalized, like names of the characters for example. There's a lack of proper punctuation marks in some sentences. The tenses are all over the place. If you're going to use present tense in your narration, then use it throughout. Dialogues are weirdly constructed. Your dialogues are like this --> "sentence" - name of character. That's not how a proper dialogue was supposed to be written. If you're going to write it like that, you might as well write it like a script. A proper dialogue is like this --> "Sentence," said [character name]. There are a lot of proper grammar tools out there that you could use. Or better yet, read traditional English published books. Learn on how they're structured. Now for the story, the idea was there. My problem was, I couldn't really get into the story since there's so many grammatical errors that I just couldn't immerse myself into the world you're building. In a story, a good idea is not enough to make up for everything else. Some might reason that 'it's okay, my idea is great, who cares about grammar and proper sentence construction?'. That's just bullsh*t. You're making yourself a disservice if you believe that. That way, you won't ever improve. I can see that English is not your first language. I suggest that you just write this in your own language first. And then slowly translate it into English. I think that would be better. Sorry that I couldn't give this a much higher rating. Best of luck to your writing! 🖒



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Thank you for the long review! Indeed your right so ill do what you and other's advice^^