
Review Detail of DES7ROYER90 in Everlasting: Hope and Sorrow

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This book's got babies, mommies and even milk! What more could you want? No, just kidding, this novel fucking sucks, kid. Learn to write, you stupid fucking kid. I would rather drink a buffalo diarrhea milkshake than read your stupid fucking story. "*Baby crying*"? Really? Are you really that stupid, you ugly fucking slit-eyed freak? Is this really the height of literature in the 21st century? What the **** is wrong with you, you stupid idiot kid? You make me so angry. I'm so fucking angry right now I could beat up someone, like a woman or a jogger. You know, they say that Hitler was the worst person to ever live, but at least he was vegan and he didn't write stupid fucking stories on the internet for nobody to read. You are such a stupid fucking kid. Stick to watching anime or Marvel movies you walking toddler. Your punctuation sucks, as do your grammar and spelling. Don't cross paths with me if you know what's good for you.

Everlasting: Hope and Sorrow


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Im so sorry for not being able to deliver for the kind of novel you are expecting, im still new to the writing industry and will do my best to improve and to catch every readers hearts! Thanks for commenting with your honest opinions and rating my book, it means a lot!