
Review Detail of Sphere117Reading in Godly Stay - Home Dad

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Unfortunately right off the bat it can be seen this story has a extreme sense of Chinese Nationalism, at least way more blatant then I’ve seen before. I was at first expecting a good Father and Daughter story where the Father kicks ass so to speak and rips apart anyone who goes against his daughter. However 4 chapters in(which isn’t much technically) he had a extremely negative reaction towards her, mostly due to the repressed memory’s of the alternate body from earth he was put into and said several times directly to her that she isn’t his daughter, immediately after remembering he then takes out a cigarette when he’s inside a car with a 3-4 year old girl and starts smoking, like seriously wtf even if it wasn’t your kid You should never do such a thing around a child that young. Now the nationalism comes in when he asks her, her name that her mother gave her, just happens to be ‘Emily’ which he made a big deal out of and said it was a horrible name making his daughter cry for like the 5th and 6th time and repeatedly tried to convince her to accept the name he’ll give her, saying that Emily is a American name and that since she’s “Chinese” she Absolutely Must Have a “Dignified Chinese” name. Pretty ridiculous if you ask me, a name of a person doesn’t have any point in being related towards nationalism, while I do understand the thing with last names and I also understand the name part of Chinese culture however she’s already 3-4 years old why make such trouble out of it? Just have her called Emily, then on her official name have that along with the MC’s family name or something, however apparently not having that name automatically makes her purely a “foreigner” apparently. Personally just saying I have no trouble with her name being whatever, however in most storied I’ve read while there is lots of nationalism it’s almost never related towards a persons name, especially since in most stories there’s often a character close to the main character or the main character itself who has a ‘western’ style name, like Amy who’s a rather vicious tongued daughter in a recent Father Daughter story I read. Now just for a very brief character analysis, MC seems to be pretty stupid or selfish, can’t seem to recognize he’s speaking to a little girl and pretty much yells at several times making her cry frequently, gives of a impression of why on earth would this little girl like him at all given his crapy personality both before he came back and after. All in all starting off as a absolutely terrible father, even if it does improve later on the beginning leaves a serious impression about his true personality. Anyways the overall star of 2.6 is just me trying to balance towards half of 5 nothing else since I haven’t read that far and decided to drop it. However if I were to note anything regarding the writing I’d say the translator frequently makes mistakes referring a she as a he, mostly towards the Daughter so far I’ve noticed, also very bad translation of several other parts so far when in another POV, also hard to tell when there is a POV change however that’s probably a result of the author originally but the translator could easily fix that by just adding a little thing like “POV Change - Emily” just a example not actually a POV that has happened yet for me.

Godly Stay - Home Dad


Curtido por 5 pessoas




Drink some water and calm down.


Though there are some national viewpoints later but it is very much damped down and you won't regret reading it. I can say I have read most urban cultivation novels and this one most readable. That name thing is just at the beginning and some of the few points. Later its not really targeted at any country and he does have many foreign friends and interactions. Don't know about the webnovel translation but the previous one was good and I had read upto more than 800 chaps at that time.


eh, maybe that if Zhang Yumeng/Mengmeng were to actually keep her name as, “Emily” then wouldn’t it be suspicious? After all, both her parents are from Asia, but her name is from the USA. Wouldn’t it raise suspicion, that, maybe he had an affair? After all, the public in that world might be a bit, too crazy. And raise a bit of scandals. I forgot what Qian or Qian Luoluo or just Luo did cause I’m way into the book and I’m now on chapter 930.


scratch that, chapter 937.