
Review Detail of A_Random_Person in Bloody Mary (hunter x hunter fan-fic)

Detalhe da revisão


Rookie author, I’m writing this because of my love for hunter x hunter, I don’t feel as if I’m too good at anything when it comes to writing, but I’ll try my best. I can’t really promise daily chapters, but I’ll put a chapter out whenever I can. As the story progresses I’ll try to improve my writing abilities more to make the story better, while I do plan on following the main story I don’t plan on all events playing out the same. I personally believe that a main character shouldn’t be changed to be a background character for the sake of the original cast. As stated in the synopsis there will be quite a bit of gore, however it will NEVER be the main focus of the story. It will always be Mary’s game with the world. Thank you to all who have read my story thus far, and thank you to all who took the time to write any kind of comment, even just a simple thanks has given me more encouragement to write and improve.

Bloody Mary (hunter x hunter fan-fic)


Curtido por 5 pessoas




Hope you don't drop this.