
Review Detail of Azarzzzzzz in Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

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The story is great. but nan Tian ruined a good portion of it like right now when she left on her own journey is really good but the whole nan Tian being a literal servant now and her pushing her best friend away is so bad💔

Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?


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Well, is Nan Tian stupidly supportive? Yes, but I don't really believe it's unrealistic or slave like. He is in love and willing to help her because of that. Also, it doesn't really feel like she's pushing her best friend away. Sometimes people just need to do their own thing, and the dependance was real. But that's just my opinion.


I disagree, even before nan tian came into the picture she was giving lyrica space to see if her feelings were more than just dependency, she said later that she believed her feelings were genuine but wasn't sure she wanted to act on them because she was her best friend and dosen't want to risk there friendship which I don't understand because shiro is barely around at that point, then nan tian comes out of literally no where and is her childhood friend, and he starts going after her. I'm at ch500 right now and I am really glad I went and checked the new comments too see if I could find anything about the relationship, I honestly can't stand shiro's avoidance of lyrica, she was friends with her mom is no excuse, you can't claim to be an aunt if you were not there when she was young, being friends doesn't make you her aunt, worrying about messing up a friendship is a valid worry but don't just ignore the girl for years, atleast make a decision, tell her it's not going to happen or give her a chance. I like lyrica as a character, she has had a good amount of development but I am not saying she had to be the love interested the story , but for Nan Tian to come in with a 2ch backstory, dote on her, and become the main love interest has killed it for me. maybe I am getting ahead of myself, if past ch 500 Shiro doesn't get with Nan Tian can someone please spoil that part for me, I don't really feel like reading 500+ more chapters just to figure she does.


They are not together yet but she can't keep away from him for like 5 minutes at one point and Lyrica has been away for awhile the author keep pushing them apart but maybe that will change idk but still good read

Zili_Shufeng:I disagree, even before nan tian came into the picture she was giving lyrica space to see if her feelings were more than just dependency, she said later that she believed her feelings were genuine but wasn't sure she wanted to act on them because she was her best friend and dosen't want to risk there friendship which I don't understand because shiro is barely around at that point, then nan tian comes out of literally no where and is her childhood friend, and he starts going after her. I'm at ch500 right now and I am really glad I went and checked the new comments too see if I could find anything about the relationship, I honestly can't stand shiro's avoidance of lyrica, she was friends with her mom is no excuse, you can't claim to be an aunt if you were not there when she was young, being friends doesn't make you her aunt, worrying about messing up a friendship is a valid worry but don't just ignore the girl for years, atleast make a decision, tell her it's not going to happen or give her a chance. I like lyrica as a character, she has had a good amount of development but I am not saying she had to be the love interested the story , but for Nan Tian to come in with a 2ch backstory, dote on her, and become the main love interest has killed it for me. maybe I am getting ahead of myself, if past ch 500 Shiro doesn't get with Nan Tian can someone please spoil that part for me, I don't really feel like reading 500+ more chapters just to figure she does.

I probably being a little hard on the novel, my preference recently has been romance fantasy so i was a little disappointed with all the hints towards it but there never actually being any, it was under the romance fantasy genre. besides that I feel that Nan Tian was a bit forced, I understand that Shiro gained memories of him so she is familiar and trusts him, but from a reader's perspective (or just mine) it felt really abrupt for him to gain that background and start following her around non stop in like two chapters, I probably wont drop it but its dropped down in priority for me.

Azarzzzzzz:They are not together yet but she can't keep away from him for like 5 minutes at one point and Lyrica has been away for awhile the author keep pushing them apart but maybe that will change idk but still good read

I'm caught up and you are right first they introduced him as this stalker then magically her childhood friend next I would not be surprised if he is the reincarnation of her lover in one of her lives( just a guess)

Zili_Shufeng:I probably being a little hard on the novel, my preference recently has been romance fantasy so i was a little disappointed with all the hints towards it but there never actually being any, it was under the romance fantasy genre. besides that I feel that Nan Tian was a bit forced, I understand that Shiro gained memories of him so she is familiar and trusts him, but from a reader's perspective (or just mine) it felt really abrupt for him to gain that background and start following her around non stop in like two chapters, I probably wont drop it but its dropped down in priority for me.

I would be a lot happier if Shiro and Kuromi separated, I liked Kuromi as a character and it would give a better match to Nan Tian to me, I don't know if she has been confirmed to be not coming back, where I am at Aarim still sees something looking back at her when she uses her ability on Shiro.

Azarzzzzzz:I'm caught up and you are right first they introduced him as this stalker then magically her childhood friend next I would not be surprised if he is the reincarnation of her lover in one of her lives( just a guess)