
Review Detail of RedSonia in The Love of a Lycan

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This story left me in disbelief and it's too bad because it started good and I got hooked up. Unfortunately, Jedrek/Lilac couple was left for the end, and the sour aftertaste of their story overshadowed everything good that happened before that. Jedrek is a werewolf and he should feel the mate bond, look at Lilac like she is his Goddess, and fight for Lilac's affection, yet it turned the other way around. Jedrek was cruel, selfish, and indecisive, thinking only about his first love (aka Serafina), while keeping Lilac in the background. Jedrek killed Lilac when she was a baby (literally), and then he killed Lilac again when he held Seraphina in his arms and acted lovey-dovey right in front of Lilac! And in between those two, he tortured Lilac physically and mentally. What kind of a mate does that? The story would be more satisfying if Jedrek suffered until eternity for what he had done and that he found Lilac after the war happy with a man who knows how to love her, but noooooo.... Jedrek got his happy ending because Lilac forgave him. AGAIN! I mean, Lilac was supposed to be a sassy and powerful guardian angel, yet she ended up being absolutely submissive to the point of allowing Jedrek to return to her after everything he did. As a non-werewolf, Lilac didn't feel the mate bond. Why did she fall in love with her murderer/abuser? Would Jedrek long for Lilac after the war if Serafina didn't die? Why did he realize that Lilac exists only after he lost Serafina? I can forgive Jedrek many things, but it's unforgivable how he hurt Lilac AFTER they mated and he announced to everyone that Lilac is his queen. As her mate, Jedrek was supposed to feel her pain, heartbreak, betrayal... but he didn't and he ended up going to Serafina repeatedly (he is a perfect example of a cheating husband). I don't care if he jumped into a volcano or in outer space, and I don't care if he understood how much he hurt Lilac. It came too late, and nothing can fix the wrongs he did. That said, the first two stories are good.

The Love of a Lycan


Curtido por 59 pessoas




Thank you for this. I was about to read the novel. And when I say this I don't mean any disrespect to the author I just can't read books with cheating husbands or someone who goes back to their "other" lover and tries to "kill" the main protagonist.....Excuse me? but I came here to run away from reality to enjoy some good old fantasy with perhaps a simp or Yadere for an ML, not this kind of jerk mf...I mean yes he deserves a miserable ending.


I felt the same Since Lilac was portayed as strong and independent character, unlike other guardian angles and then at the end of the story the author just puts her as background Or an extra character to explain Jedrek and Serefina love story. It was TRULY vexing to see such a good character be ruined in the end and just exists for the male leads happy ending (silly redemption arc). I also Have been wanting to know if jedreK would have chosen Lilac if Serefina was still alive? Cuz it feels like he chose lilac only becuZ his first love died


Good heads up! I won't bother with this story anymore. Baboosh.


With that many chapters I had to check comments and appreciate yours so much for saving me from investing in a story where there’s a doormat FL and a cruel ML who also cheats but is forgiven by his partner. Two of my least favourite tropes, guaranteed to tick me off so ty!!


You don't understand. Speak from another view point. Jedrek was Serefina's first love and vice versa. They had known each other for more than centuries where they had a lovely relationship. Jedrek actually LOVED Serefina. Imagine just disregarding the love you've held for someone for than centuries known to existence all for some mate bond pull. I admit it is not fair to Lilac but she should Jedrek had a life before her.Serefina had sacrificed many things just for her love and all Jedrek did was hurt her. Although some of the blame is still on her because she would have been able to clear misunderstandings with Jedrek before she left the realm but if she had told him she was leaving would he have let her? Look Serefina only being there would have hurt the trio more than it's meant to have and complicated issues further. And as a Royal shifter the King of all Lycanthropes Jedrek was not expected to just bow to his head to a girl he barely knew all because she was his mate.Serefina had done a lot of things to be with Jedrek and they both experienced things Lilac won't be able to with him.Jedrek truly didn't deserve either of them and neither did Serefina or Lilac deserve the hurt they received from Jedrek.But in the end the person who had paid all their dues and was the only one preparing for the war while hiding her pain and successfully planning things out was Serefina and what did she get? not a happy ever but death. At least she is at peace.


You are indeed right it was not fair for Lilac to be sidelined on the story and seen as a third woman or mistress after she had been presented as an independent and strong guardian angel who has mastered her power. It was truly a waste since she could have been paired with Tordoff in her own happy life after the war rather butting heads in Serefina and Jedrek's love story .

Sumaera_Sheeraz:I felt the same Since Lilac was portayed as strong and independent character, unlike other guardian angles and then at the end of the story the author just puts her as background Or an extra character to explain Jedrek and Serefina love story. It was TRULY vexing to see such a good character be ruined in the end and just exists for the male leads happy ending (silly redemption arc). I also Have been wanting to know if jedreK would have chosen Lilac if Serefina was still alive? Cuz it feels like he chose lilac only becuZ his first love died

Exactly would he have still chosen Lilac over his first love just because she died. Just like she's a second option, a second choice.

Sumaera_Sheeraz:I felt the same Since Lilac was portayed as strong and independent character, unlike other guardian angles and then at the end of the story the author just puts her as background Or an extra character to explain Jedrek and Serefina love story. It was TRULY vexing to see such a good character be ruined in the end and just exists for the male leads happy ending (silly redemption arc). I also Have been wanting to know if jedreK would have chosen Lilac if Serefina was still alive? Cuz it feels like he chose lilac only becuZ his first love died

sarefina and jdreak had love each other for centuries you can't expect them to unloved each other right away. yes he definitely hurt lilac in the process but I could see his trying his best alr. and what's most important is the both of them really needed the so call closure of their misunderstanding centuries ago so they would be able to let go but they never bother not until the last moment. whem jdreak found out his feelings for lilac he alr try his best to make it up to her and avoding sarefina as much as possible. he only lost it when he found out sarefina real reason for leaving centuries ago although wat he did b4 sarefina die I don't agree but at least both of them had talk and finally able to let go once and for all. and no if sarefina didn't die jdreak won't go bk to her. its obvious tat he likes lilac now it just that jdreak couldn't let go of sarefina with so many unanswered problems between them