
Review Detail of KingGrizzly in A Titleless Story

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This was a good read, and I honestly thought that it would be garbage like the anime (don't hate on me because I didn't like the anime). The characters were stable with their values, principles, and behaviors so when they change or face a difficult event that forces them to go into a state of panic or self-growth, it isn't like "BAM your edgy" it's a slow progression and you won't notice it until it's already there. Found the MC very likable as he is somewhat faithful. If I'm being completely honest I can't find much fault except I didn't really care what was going outside of the game and that it turned into a harem even though it had a really good romance going at the beginning, extremely disappointed at that move (Although I say that, the character development due to the harem was splendid and actually emotional...still prefer solo heroine). Even though I said these negatives they are just personal preferences, not a definite fact. Give it a try as even though it might not be to your preference, it's still a bloody good book that definitely worth binge watching. P.S. Is the Character design based on the description of what the character looks like or the personality and growth, because if its character development than I have been doing this and some of these reviews injustice.

A Titleless Story


Curtido por 5 pessoas




Know any other stories like this? xD


Sadly no

RuberDF:Know any other stories like this? xD

Sadly no

RuberDF:Know any other stories like this? xD