
Review Detail of ur_stupidity in Cultivator in an MMORPG

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Okay. So firstly. I tried. I really tried to stick with this novel. And give it leeway cus gaming novels are hard with stats and balancing RL and VR. But seriously author. Wtf. Are you even rereading your work? Making notes of past chapters? Planning and outlining? Listening to the reviews? It’s an amazing concept and the first chapter was excellent. But then it’s just downhill at a ridiculous pace. I would suggest rewriting it from the beginning. But take time and plan. And observe how other novels are done. You need to plan not just the MC development in game and outside. But also the game world. Story line. Skills. And stats. And most importantly. You need to stick to your own details. Also it seems the stats are messing you up terribly so just ignore them and use descriptive and vague words. Allow for auto assignment and development of stats. Plz avoid over done % effects that can stack and fixed damages that will be be no sense when ppl level up their HP. Sure 500 damage is cool at first. But the time the MC is able to use the move his HP is already over 2000 and he isn’t even a tank. Much less later. Also the progression of the stats leveling up is inconsistent and just random. You are doing too much too soon. Overdoing everything. Rewards. Leveling. Masteries. Churning out legendary equipment within the first year of the game when it’s the the second to highest level of equipment with 5 levels under it??? That breaks the game especially since he can’t use the weapons due to his class and rich ppl suddenly own the game. You need to develop your story. Not just **** it out fast. Take time to fight and learn and grow your character and their world. He is just blazing through time, fights and stats. And it’s boring, inconsistent and useless. He isn’t even OP cus he has so little conflict to show OP ability and has very little impact on the world according to the novel. So here it is. Final words. Remember that the best stories have cliffhangers due to conflict and real world relations and developments. As well as in game world development and changes. Not everything has to be directly and immediately related to the MC and you don’t have to force time and character progression. Character and world development is more important. A whole chapter on the effects of a players actions can still be epic. Also include more humor and action. The story is too dry. More meat. Even if it means slower chapters and slower time progression. Also you need to decide what type of MC you are going for. A struggling MC with character development. Or an oblivious OP MC with insane luck and skill. Each one will have its own conflict storylines. OP ones mean more comedy and face slapping and will allow for broken dumb luck and unbelievable situations. Although you have to temper it to their character. Sly. Hotheaded. Etc. struggling MC will require more feelings and backstory and inner thoughts. Connections and deep bonds. And finally. You need to have goals. An MC without goals/standards is useless. Even if it’s just to have fun. What is their goal both personally and for the game. And this will affect their choices. Writing a story isn’t ****** and shouldn’t just be done blindly. Put thought into it and passion. And reread your work. Compare to others of similar genre. Definitely google some writing tips.

Cultivator in an MMORPG


Curtido por 2 pessoas




Thank you for the feedback, I have been trying to balance things out from the second volume, at first I was just writing for the hell of it but seeing the novel actually do well and people actually like the premise of the story I have regretted not trying harder in the first couple of chapters building up the story and taking the progression slower. I hope the second volume will make things right and I will see if completely rewriting the story would be a better way forward. Thanks!