
Review Detail of JAYishh in Realm of Myths and Legends

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I’ve been keeping up with this novel for a year or two now, and I have got to say, it easily takes the number 1 spot for me, the characters are all likeable, and each of them have their own little story and background, there are enough mysteries to leave you excited for more, and the MC was done brilliantly especially in the second half of the story where the author becomes more experienced in writing, but if there’s one thing that really pains me the most is the fact that the stability of the updates is not consistent. I stopped reading this for a year, hoping to get 300+ chapters since I really love this novel, turns out I just got 100 chapters, and the last uploaded non privileged chapter was over 3 months ago, which really saddens me since I don’t think the author realises how much potential this novel has and how quickly others get attached to it, im always rooting for the author, if he has health problems or just doesn’t have time to upload, thats completely fine with me, I’d just like a post giving some reasoning as to why.

Realm of Myths and Legends


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