
Review Detail of Trek in The Midnight Emporium [Dropped]

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Mc is just a slave boy to a random piece of **** god who tricked mc into singing over mcs soul for no reward. Do you want to know how mc lost his free will and soul? Its because he got pushed and his hand landed in a book. Mc was even cautious at first be he got sucked in by obvious honey words which were a trap. Now mc is just a slave to this shop who will eternally serve a random ass god of 'knowledge and wisdom'. This is a big plot hole, mc was almost out the door but he walked back in even when he saw that the book was flipping and random noises were in his head. If mc frees himself of this soul binding or he kills this god reply to me and I will change the rating.

The Midnight Emporium [Dropped]


Curtido por 2 pessoas




Thanks for trying the story anyway :)


Sigh... that was the plot... do you think every person is like you? A perfect person who didn't even commit a single 'mess up' and mistake in his life? You just messed up rating of this novel... sigh... And seriously you will change the rating? sigh...you can't change it... sure you can create a new review with 5 stars but you can't change it... sigh... I really don't like people like you the most... people who think that they can change everything they want to change but couldn't do a single thing to change it...


You can mess up, you can make mistakes you just need to have the will, the mindset to overcome them. Mc simply accepted it without any thoughts of rebellion, without any anger towards the being who enslaved his soul without his permission. "people who think that they can change everything they want to change but couldn't do a single thing to change it" So according to your theory, you should just accept your situation no matter how bad, how disadvantageous it is? with no attempts to fix it? to fight against it? You'd rather be a slave then try to get free and have revenge? In this sort of world where magic is real, you can most certainly reach levels of strength to rival gods so don't tell me its pointless to try. Even in the legends of gods the author is using there are plenty of 'mortals' which can rival gods. You can delete your own reviews so no if this truly does change I will delete this and the rating won't change.

PrimordialSkyWolf:Sigh... that was the plot... do you think every person is like you? A perfect person who didn't even commit a single 'mess up' and mistake in his life? You just messed up rating of this novel... sigh... And seriously you will change the rating? sigh...you can't change it... sure you can create a new review with 5 stars but you can't change it... sigh... I really don't like people like you the most... people who think that they can change everything they want to change but couldn't do a single thing to change it...

Good luck with your future endovenous

Lonelytree:Thanks for trying the story anyway :)

You've read too much xianxia and wuxia novels or other novels where the MC wants to become the strongest individual to decide his own destiny... Well if that is what you want I can't change that... But how did the situation became disadvantageous for the MC? Why should he fight with the entity he doesn't even recognize? Because his soul was bound by 'accident'? Do you think that it is that easy to fight a god level character? If yes why should he fight it if it didn't even harm him? He was just a normal dude... why would he become angry if the situation doesn't mean harm to him? Was he really enslaved? Dude your terms are getting of the mark like your merely exaggerating it... yep you really like xianxia novels or themes that are alike... First of all, the god he now 'serves' is completely unknown... Second, the god doesn't mean him any harm... Third, the Book of Thoth said that he can get benefits from completing missions... Fourth, Arthur doesn't even have a job and he wants to find a new job... Fifth, he's a completely normal person or should I say a loser guy or a milder version(hahaha am I right lonelytree?)... Sixth, yes magic is real in this world and some mortals can even rival gods in some mythologies but those mortals received help from gods or met some lucky encounter (again xianxia/the likes alike themes) and that is the situation Arthur is in right now.... Seventh, his soul was already bound to the god... Seventh, currently we don't know if the god is hostile to Arthur but from what I read so far there are is nothing that says so... Eight, Arthur has a job now and a magical one at that, why can't you just be happy for him? hahaha xd... Ninth, he was bound to be a normal guy(or is he Lonelytree?) if he did not encounter that 'accident' and that means he has no connection to the magical world and this novel wouldn't have been written(hahaha)... Tenth, If you are a normal guy living a normal life in a normal world and one day you have 'accidentally' bound your soul in to a god, would you go saying things like this to yourself?, "I will fucking kill the one who bound me!" "I will make myself stronger than the one who bound me and I will kill him!" If yes then... Arthur doesn't have the right to say those things because he was the one who confirmed the contract it was not forced to him and it was 'accidental' (his hands accidentally fell in to it because he wanted to find a railing to grab hold for him to not fall to the floor)...If he really got angry about that and wanted to become the strongest to kill the god who bounded him then it would really disappoint me... fortunately he is not that idiotic... Sigh I strayed of from the main point... the main question is that why would you give a 1 star just because the MC fell to that honey trap?(this is according to you) Do you even know how to make a review? There is even a guidelines prepared on how you give a rating to a novel or should I elaborate it to you?... Okay then, first, Writing Quality, the author's writing quality is superb and doesn't have an error on his grammar usage, proper punctuation and he even has a special way of conveying the idea of the novel. Second, Stability of Updates, the release rate is very stable and is according to what he promised and that is 1 chapter a day and he even exceed that by making it into 2 chapters a day(based on the release rate on the previous days). Third, Story Development, the story development is neither fast nor slow it is in the right phase, the mc already completed his first petition and is already in his second one, the story base of the novel is now clearly shown which is, the MC accepting petitions from mythological characters. Fourth, Character Design, the MC is a person who accepts quest-like-things from mythological person, he has his own quirks, the other characters like Miss S was given her own character design, like being a cold 'person'. Last, World Background, sigh it's given if you read it(winks)...


Do you think that having your soul bound is not a bad thing? Do you think an open-ended contract that makes mc work under the threat of getting his soul offed by some god is not a bad thing? Mcs fall and maybe even walking towards the book was magical so in conclusion, it was the god or a servant of his who made mc trip on purpose to enslave him without his consent. There could just have easily been a shop 'system' with no soul binding and not being a slave to this gods whims. Do you really think something like having your soul bound can just be ignored and can not cause you damage? Even the terms aren't clear, how do you resolve this contact and get your ******* back? Just some vague words telling you to fill up the emporium within magic items and you will get a reward. Who gives a **** about ransom rewards by an entity who enslaved you, the main point is the soul! Can you really trust this shady god who just forced a slave contract on you says about distant rewards? The problem is not that mc can't do anything right now, the problem is that he didn't even have any thoughts of indignation or anger towards being tricked in such a way. Let's not forget that the god dug though mcs mind to get his parents memory to manipulate him too. Even if it takes 1000s of years at least mc should aim towards being free and taking revenge. One day afterall someone will have an item which can remove soul binding and mc can just take and use that. But he doesn't even think, think! about it!? The Webnovel rating system doesn't matter much anyways, Im pretty sure QI will delete my review to boost ratings. I was using it as a means to send feedback of plot holes and the problems I had with the book, which is what the review section is about.

PrimordialSkyWolf:You've read too much xianxia and wuxia novels or other novels where the MC wants to become the strongest individual to decide his own destiny... Well if that is what you want I can't change that... But how did the situation became disadvantageous for the MC? Why should he fight with the entity he doesn't even recognize? Because his soul was bound by 'accident'? Do you think that it is that easy to fight a god level character? If yes why should he fight it if it didn't even harm him? He was just a normal dude... why would he become angry if the situation doesn't mean harm to him? Was he really enslaved? Dude your terms are getting of the mark like your merely exaggerating it... yep you really like xianxia novels or themes that are alike... First of all, the god he now 'serves' is completely unknown... Second, the god doesn't mean him any harm... Third, the Book of Thoth said that he can get benefits from completing missions... Fourth, Arthur doesn't even have a job and he wants to find a new job... Fifth, he's a completely normal person or should I say a loser guy or a milder version(hahaha am I right lonelytree?)... Sixth, yes magic is real in this world and some mortals can even rival gods in some mythologies but those mortals received help from gods or met some lucky encounter (again xianxia/the likes alike themes) and that is the situation Arthur is in right now.... Seventh, his soul was already bound to the god... Seventh, currently we don't know if the god is hostile to Arthur but from what I read so far there are is nothing that says so... Eight, Arthur has a job now and a magical one at that, why can't you just be happy for him? hahaha xd... Ninth, he was bound to be a normal guy(or is he Lonelytree?) if he did not encounter that 'accident' and that means he has no connection to the magical world and this novel wouldn't have been written(hahaha)... Tenth, If you are a normal guy living a normal life in a normal world and one day you have 'accidentally' bound your soul in to a god, would you go saying things like this to yourself?, "I will fucking kill the one who bound me!" "I will make myself stronger than the one who bound me and I will kill him!" If yes then... Arthur doesn't have the right to say those things because he was the one who confirmed the contract it was not forced to him and it was 'accidental' (his hands accidentally fell in to it because he wanted to find a railing to grab hold for him to not fall to the floor)...If he really got angry about that and wanted to become the strongest to kill the god who bounded him then it would really disappoint me... fortunately he is not that idiotic... Sigh I strayed of from the main point... the main question is that why would you give a 1 star just because the MC fell to that honey trap?(this is according to you) Do you even know how to make a review? There is even a guidelines prepared on how you give a rating to a novel or should I elaborate it to you?... Okay then, first, Writing Quality, the author's writing quality is superb and doesn't have an error on his grammar usage, proper punctuation and he even has a special way of conveying the idea of the novel. Second, Stability of Updates, the release rate is very stable and is according to what he promised and that is 1 chapter a day and he even exceed that by making it into 2 chapters a day(based on the release rate on the previous days). Third, Story Development, the story development is neither fast nor slow it is in the right phase, the mc already completed his first petition and is already in his second one, the story base of the novel is now clearly shown which is, the MC accepting petitions from mythological characters. Fourth, Character Design, the MC is a person who accepts quest-like-things from mythological person, he has his own quirks, the other characters like Miss S was given her own character design, like being a cold 'person'. Last, World Background, sigh it's given if you read it(winks)...

Well suit yourself... If you think it was a plothole, then it is... I'm tired of arguing with you...It is part of the plot so you can't say it was a plot hole... In the first place the mc's mentally is just of a normal dude, not of a person who doesn't accept what fate/destiny has it for him... The MC's character design was built that way because his purpose in the story (according to Lonelytree) was to be a bridge or a lens in order for the story be relayed... The MC will not look like an MC (semi-MC hahaha) when compared to the mythological creatures that will come later... If you have some problem about Arthur being designed like this.. Hmmm... Then blame the character design of Arthur in the story... In that way the character design rating of the novel will be the only one affected... Thank you😁😁😀😀

Trek:Do you think that having your soul bound is not a bad thing? Do you think an open-ended contract that makes mc work under the threat of getting his soul offed by some god is not a bad thing? Mcs fall and maybe even walking towards the book was magical so in conclusion, it was the god or a servant of his who made mc trip on purpose to enslave him without his consent. There could just have easily been a shop 'system' with no soul binding and not being a slave to this gods whims. Do you really think something like having your soul bound can just be ignored and can not cause you damage? Even the terms aren't clear, how do you resolve this contact and get your ******* back? Just some vague words telling you to fill up the emporium within magic items and you will get a reward. Who gives a **** about ransom rewards by an entity who enslaved you, the main point is the soul! Can you really trust this shady god who just forced a slave contract on you says about distant rewards? The problem is not that mc can't do anything right now, the problem is that he didn't even have any thoughts of indignation or anger towards being tricked in such a way. Let's not forget that the god dug though mcs mind to get his parents memory to manipulate him too. Even if it takes 1000s of years at least mc should aim towards being free and taking revenge. One day afterall someone will have an item which can remove soul binding and mc can just take and use that. But he doesn't even think, think! about it!? The Webnovel rating system doesn't matter much anyways, Im pretty sure QI will delete my review to boost ratings. I was using it as a means to send feedback of plot holes and the problems I had with the book, which is what the review section is about.