
Review Detail of Null4One in Million World Game

Detalhe da revisão


I won't be saying much. Just read. Quality-wise, this is the best you can find around here. I wish there more novels at this level in webnovel, but that's just wishful thinking. orz I don't know about the update frequency as I have just finished binge reading but it seems to be good from what I've gathered after reading the author notes and comments so far. Although I, sometimes, like reading stories that features a female protagonist, as a male reader, the romance tends to make me feel uncomfortable for some reason. But in this one, strangely enough, her interactions with the other male characters was not off putting in the least. On the contrary, if anything, it was amusing and entertaining. I'll attribute that to the author's maturity. All in all, I highly recommend reading this. Well, it seems, in the end, I DID end up saying more than 'not much'.

Million World Game


Curtido por 1 pessoas




Wow! Thank you so much for the kind words :D You said just the right amount!!