
Review Detail of arisla in RIN

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...I only need to read the summary to know that it's pretty much a copy of Song of the Long March. - Uncle killed her family to become Emperor, check. - She hides as a boy under the protection of a former general, check. - She becomes a valued strategist, check. - She falls in love with the general of an enemy country, check. I wish people who claim to write original novels actually used original plots instead of taking from others.



Curtido por 10 pessoas




I understand that you’ve only read the summary, but have you read the rest of the chapters? If you have then I guess I have nothing more to say. But if you haven’t then hopefully you don’t mind me pointing out a few details. I, like everyone else, do not approve of copying or stealing others work. This story, as written in the synopsis, is indeed inspired by the manga and has similar scenes, however, they vary in multiple ways, through different characters, personalities, and story plot. I’m a big fan of the manga and have been for some time now, I would mostly consider this is a fan continuation (since I believe the manga was dropped), but majority of the chapters are based on my inspiration of the story with completely different characters such as Rin’s grandfather, her mother (who doesn’t ignore her like in the manga), Ju, and General Guo. When writing this story I try to make it my own as much as possible while using the inspiration of the manga. Some scenes will be similar to the mang, however, a lot of them are different. I appreciate those who claim it’s similar to the story read through the story to understand it a bit better. (This is not me forcing you to read it! Please don’t think I am!) Also, the plot is not the same as it is from the manga. Yes, her Uncle did kill her family, and she does become a strategist and disguise herself as a male, but overall the main plot is yet to come. Also, her uncle didn't kill her father to become the Emperor, it was mainly jealousy toward his brother for marrying Rin’s mother. That's my version in the story. Along with Rin meeting the ML, they have yet to meet and Rin isn't one to easily fall in love! She goes through many things before that. (Unaware if that was a spoiler or not). As the saying goes, don’t judge a book by its cover, by its first line, until you’ve read the entire novel. Until then you shouldn’t judge a book at all. Well...the story isn’t finished so I’m not sure how you could judge it. That or the book is simply unbearable to read then I understand! I merely responded to this because I would just like to point out that I have no intention of copying the author for Chouka Kou, or Song of the Long March ideas and claiming them my own. (Sorry this was so long!)


I agree with most of your points here but saying one can't judge before having read the whole novle is a bit to much? I think there are many reaoson for one to drop or fall in love with a novel, even though not having read even half it (writing, plot, ethics,...). Though it is different if you haven't read it at all... Maybe you could put a disclaimer in the desdription/synopsis (I know you did something similar with a note at the end of some chapters) **. Eventhough other readers mentioning it and you also adressing it in many chapters I just realised that 'Song of the Long March/ Chang Ge Xin' is a Manga I also very much enjoyed reading, hehe. Btw I heard/read the author had a very bad contract with their publisher and ended it, but the rights for the manga stayed with the publisher... they tried getting it back but as you can see it didn't work out so well until now, hopefullye they'll be able to continue someday

paramyis:I understand that you’ve only read the summary, but have you read the rest of the chapters? If you have then I guess I have nothing more to say. But if you haven’t then hopefully you don’t mind me pointing out a few details. I, like everyone else, do not approve of copying or stealing others work. This story, as written in the synopsis, is indeed inspired by the manga and has similar scenes, however, they vary in multiple ways, through different characters, personalities, and story plot. I’m a big fan of the manga and have been for some time now, I would mostly consider this is a fan continuation (since I believe the manga was dropped), but majority of the chapters are based on my inspiration of the story with completely different characters such as Rin’s grandfather, her mother (who doesn’t ignore her like in the manga), Ju, and General Guo. When writing this story I try to make it my own as much as possible while using the inspiration of the manga. Some scenes will be similar to the mang, however, a lot of them are different. I appreciate those who claim it’s similar to the story read through the story to understand it a bit better. (This is not me forcing you to read it! Please don’t think I am!) Also, the plot is not the same as it is from the manga. Yes, her Uncle did kill her family, and she does become a strategist and disguise herself as a male, but overall the main plot is yet to come. Also, her uncle didn't kill her father to become the Emperor, it was mainly jealousy toward his brother for marrying Rin’s mother. That's my version in the story. Along with Rin meeting the ML, they have yet to meet and Rin isn't one to easily fall in love! She goes through many things before that. (Unaware if that was a spoiler or not). As the saying goes, don’t judge a book by its cover, by its first line, until you’ve read the entire novel. Until then you shouldn’t judge a book at all. Well...the story isn’t finished so I’m not sure how you could judge it. That or the book is simply unbearable to read then I understand! I merely responded to this because I would just like to point out that I have no intention of copying the author for Chouka Kou, or Song of the Long March ideas and claiming them my own. (Sorry this was so long!)

Despite being based on the manga, (and alot of it taken from it) its still well written and a incredibly interesting story. CHOUKA KOU is one of my favourite manga's (and stories) of all time. Im happy i got Rin and view it as a tribute to CHOUKA KOU.