Hello Author-san! First of all I wanna thank you for using my idea and adding in to your story. It's a great honor to see the character I've thought alive in your story. So I have another idea for a new character for your story. I hope you can get some idea from this for the new character development. Character: no name yet Story: a dropout student who now became a shut-in and spend his whole day playing games, watching movies, etc. Found by Souchi and the gang when looking for a new hideout still playing in his room. Traits: have no idea about what happened to the outside world. Quite the handsome guy if not for his chunibiyo side. Clumsy sometimes but can make people admire him because of his intense focus when he's doing something (he got it from playing games). Likes challenges. View his life as some sort of a game. Have a vast knowledge about zombies (he got it from playing, reading and watching movies with zombie genres). Tend to overreact sometimes. Role: provide some humor to the story by applying his game knowledge to real life but not working just like he expects. I think he would be a great sniper in the group or maybe he can help chi in her research
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