
Review Detail of Rawr_Kitten in Reincarnated Legendary Contract Killer

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Poorly plotted out characters that are either bad ass one second or dumb as a door nail the next 1 star The english was understandable but it hurt to read it and was badly written 2 stars World backround was not plotted out well same as the characters 1 star Plot line was semi usable until it met a author who doesnt flesh out any of the story 2 stars In all 1 star rateing and this isnt the worst rateing ever... iv seen worse novels and that is saying something... (i have a major issue with how dim minded the mc clearly is and how the mcs name from one world and the father of mc after reincarnated has nearly the same name as the mc) to me these small issues show bigger flaws the story wasnt plotted out properly and was clearly rushed to be posted and it doesnt have a editior to fix the numerous spelling errors and sentence hang ups (Please understand im actually being kind in this review some of my other ones with even worse spelling errors make me blow my top off and i lack the ability to function in my mental anguish and inner screaming at the many issues i see in the original novels... some some so bad it makes all the issues in this one near nothing )

Reincarnated Legendary Contract Killer


Curtido por 2 pessoas




I couldn't help but notice the rating that you giving out, 1 star for plot 2 star for "understandable English" that hurt your head- pretty sure that anyone who's above middle school can understand the author intent pretty easily, I feel bad for you if it's hard for you comprehend it. world background- yes everyone love that one, tell me, does the author describe or mentioned anything about the world at all, because out of any novel-except for the erotic cannot deserve a 1 star rating as long as it even if it had a vague background. characters plot, you're only on chapter 2, so how could you claim that you know him so well? I'm curious- do you perhaps be having the ability to see into the future? plot line, same as the character design above. finally the update stability, you LITERALLY skipped that one and just slap a one star on it, the same as one that did no update or just once a week. now talking about "kind" reviews...I honestly don't know what to say for that one, just a trip inside your profile just leave a bad taste in everyone mouth,.. At the worse case possible I would slap a 3.3 stars on this one, not giving out one star like candies on holidays.


We found a review critic.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................


...ugh...say what?

memberberry:We found a review critic.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

As far as I know the author is an ******* but if she or he keeps writing she will gain her own signature style after brushing off the flaws in her work.


I really think that, based on your review, you don't have the qualifications to criticize author's English. So stop making a fake review when you merely don't like the story. It's your right not to like it and give out a bad review, but don't go and write sh*t in it. Every review should be made with at least some objectivity.