
Review Detail of ARNightshade in Blind Empress Rebirth

Detalhe da revisão


Honestly, this story is quite the gem. The rebirth concerpt may not be super unique, but there is an extremely unique twist to the basic concept which makes it interesting. The MC isn't a Mary Sue, she doesn't have some godly overpowering talent, she has flaws. Additionally, her flaws make her more realistic and appealing rather than annoying. She has some 'cheats', but they don't just magically appear there is a slight explanation. She doesn't automatically meet an overpowered ML either. Though, a strong potential love interest is starting to come into play, that is just my speculation.

Blind Empress Rebirth


Curtido por 14 pessoas




Thank you for this review. I honestly wasn't sure If I wanted to read this story or not. Especially since I've gotten Sick of searching for a strong female lead only for them to be either overly arrogant/villainous, often playing second fiddle to the overpowered ml, stuck behind a pay wall that I can't afford, OR all of the above... Here's hoping that doesn't happen... Especially since you're review has given me hope for a Good story with a strong female Lead! ^~^