
Review Detail of Peaches in Tear a Path

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I tried to like this story but it was a struggle to read. In many instances there were missing words or improper grammar. The author really needs an editor and to proofread their work. Many of the sentences feel unsophisticated and drawn out (as in, the wording is ******, and using more words than necessary.) Many sentences can be written to be more concise, impactful, and meaningful, delivering the same amount, if not more information in a way that is more enjoyable to read (as in better word flow). A good way to improve in this area is to write a few sentences, then see how many different ways you can rewrite it while portraying the same information. Sometimes just simply rearranging words will make it many times more pleasant to read. This may increase the amount of time it takes you to put out chapters, but any author whom loves their own work wont mind putting in the extra effort to improve its quality. Example - a random piece of paragraph from Ch.12) "Zhao Wei couldn't continue watching any longer as he could see that the horn was slowly being inched out with every kick. Problem was even if he wanted to kill or capture it, he didn't dare come near it as he was sure he wasn't rocky balboa and wouldn't get back up after the first hit. Secondly, he felt what it's fur felt like, although it looked fluffy it was tough as steel." (73 words) After rewriting) "Zhao Wei realized he could no longer stay idle, the bunny’s every kick freed its horn inch by inch. But he was faced with a dilemma; he was no Rocky Balboa, one hit and it was lights-out for him. Secondly, though soft and fluffy in appearance, he had felt the bunny’s fur was as tough as steel." (57 words - and what i feel is a much smoother word flow) Another problem i had with this story was, some things were just unrealistic, even for a fantasy/post apoc setting. Shoving ones foot into burning ash will not help the healing process of wounds on the foot, instead you'll get burns that'll become open wounds and fester with infections. Fresh ash may be sterile, but id never suggest it be used in place of clean bandaging, even if you didn't have any, using hot ash in this case would only make things ten times worse. Now his hands are burnt, his torso wounds are burnt, and his feet are burnt. In a more realistic fashion, the story would end there, he would be royally f**ked. Next problem, and the one that left me rolling my eyes and moving on from the story is the rabbit somehow knowing where the human heart is. For it to know applying chest compressions (safely i might add - given its strength) could stimulate the heart into beating was just silly, even for a supernaturally strong rabbit that can apparently damage a tree that's as hard as iron. (There's also little reason for it to do so, given it was captured by the guy just prior. If i were the rabbit, id have probably just let the fool croak.) Despite the fact that it shows human-like intelligence in the following chapter (Which i only read partially through before stopping) that should not mean knowledge of human-related things. Things that happen within a novel need to be at least somewhat believable within the scope of their genre. I wont be reading the rest of the story, but i hope the novel tones down such things in future chapters. :)

Tear a Path


Curtido por 6 pessoas




Not sure why simpl-istic is censored, but thats the word used. Jesus.


Thanks for the advice. I am currently going through old chapters to edit them but it’s going pretty slow as I write alone for now and don’t have a proof reader. Also I’m working until late so usually I finish my chapter between lunch and toilet breaks on my phone or at night between 10-12 and just try to get a head start on tomorrow’s chapter before sleeping for tomorrow’s day of work. At this point I truly can only apologize for my inability to meet your standards for now as I am really trying my hardest. As for Panda, please keep in mind that this is a fantasy story, I may not have gone in depth into how she knew, but it doesn’t have to be because she had prior knowledge on the human body, there are any number of ways that the change can allow her to locate his heart. For example, she might be able to sense the vibration, or enhanced hearing may allow her to hear his heartbeat, parts of which I haven’t delved into about her.


You just answered your own question. Reword your response and update the aforementioned chapter to reflect this ability of Panda's and not only are you quelling complaints you're adding immersion to the world's inhabitants.

bcrow:Thanks for the advice. I am currently going through old chapters to edit them but it’s going pretty slow as I write alone for now and don’t have a proof reader. Also I’m working until late so usually I finish my chapter between lunch and toilet breaks on my phone or at night between 10-12 and just try to get a head start on tomorrow’s chapter before sleeping for tomorrow’s day of work. At this point I truly can only apologize for my inability to meet your standards for now as I am really trying my hardest. As for Panda, please keep in mind that this is a fantasy story, I may not have gone in depth into how she knew, but it doesn’t have to be because she had prior knowledge on the human body, there are any number of ways that the change can allow her to locate his heart. For example, she might be able to sense the vibration, or enhanced hearing may allow her to hear his heartbeat, parts of which I haven’t delved into about her.