
Review Detail of WaterQueenBilly in Monster Pet Evolution

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After reading the first volume of this novel we can very easily come to the conclusion that this at best a filler novel. Translation Quality - good enough, nothing superb - 4 stars. Stability of Updates - 14 chapters of about 7-8 ss a week - 4 stars. Story Development - Most of the chapters are just filler. For eg. in one chapter, its only about the MC riding on his monster to examination venue through a forest, the authority keeping an eye on these examinees and one very trivial/short comedy segment. Are 7 ss worth this? Next, the monster trainer/master does very little in a fight (doesn't have the ability to fight nor does he actively command his monsters) - 2 stars. Character Design - Very little characters other than the MC have an important role, and even those that can be considered important side characters are developed enough. MC himself is a brat, mediocre at best. He is not funny enough, nor smart nor serious. I feel the characters are seriously lacking or rather the author has been really lazy in writing them. - 2 stars. World Backgroud - Nothing new, very similar to Monster Paradise and other tropes. - 3 stars. All in all, very disappointing read for its current rating of 4.4. Excluding Translation quality and Stability of Updates (which is a solid 4 stars), this novel is utter trash. Only 2.3 stars. Monster Paradise is just so much better than this in so many places and levels, and that is after the fact that Monster Paradise isn't that great itself.

Monster Pet Evolution

Wine Pool Inebriation

Curtido por 7 pessoas




I agree with you. 2/3 of this LN are filler. At some points it is even getting to be 3/4 of the LN are filler. They do nothing for the story at all. By chapter 266 it is only worth about 70 chapters of other LNs. Almost nothing has happened in this story and we have 266 chapters translated so far. At this rate the LN will need to have over 5k chapters for it to actually have a proper story and finish to it. It so far is worth reading, but be prepared for a whole ton of filler.