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Ok the novel isn't the worst I've read. It started out decently, but it is the first I have ever dropped. That is because of the pure idiocy in which the author built the world. He builds up this apocalypse that they have to go to for a certain amount of time a year. Makes it dangerous and high stakes where you need to eat and live there or you die. Then makes it into a 'game' that you have to play in a gaming rig, even though apparently you need to play or it drags you in against your will. The player can also log off at almost anytime they sleep and still has to eat in the 'real' world after getting out of the gaming rig. I can suspend my disbelief for a lot of things, but this bugged me so much I just can't keep reading.
a bit of and airhead -> a bit of a airhead -> a bit of an airhead
I like the story. I want to keep reading, but the change in pov is just throwing me off. It's a good book, I just wish the author would stick with a single character. Skipped right over like a whole volume after reading the first chapter of the pov switch. I thought, alright just skip the volumes that aren't the main character. Then got to the newest volume and it keeps bouncing back and forth between characters.
Grundle translate. More like google translate.
Now the question is will it be the male or female sole survivor?
I see you didn't read the first novel. This isn't even in his top 10 horrible acts, probably not even top 1,000.
This situation seems very forced. But what can a reader do?
Ok I read a bit further and only semi retract my statement. He still a bit slow.
ok I know this is a translation and the author is someone else. But I just got to say this. He is reincarnated and gets an owl on his eleventh birthday. He is about to meet the Dursleys, and he still has doubts of where he is. That is not just dumb, he has gone further and went full retard.