


I like zombies, not in that way! ahem! anyway, RPG like worlds with game elements, and of course cultivation without stupid characters carried by luck.

2017-11-25 UnidoMorocco



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  • a_commoner
    a_commonera month ago

    Like who has time for this non sense, I don't know if it's good or bad, but as of chapter 7, it's super f_cking slow. Like, it took 7 f_cking chapters just to spend one day at school. If you can't take slow pace, just skip this one.

  • a_commoner
    a_commoner3 months ago
    Respondeu a Primas

    Indeed people are missed up in the head to rate a novel with 1 star for one word they disagree with that has no weight in the story.

  • a_commoner
    a_commoner3 months ago

    It gets very repetitive and less immersive fast, witch means very boring. The whole story is almost nothing but the MC simulations text logs, there is very little happens outside of it, I guess the author can't be happier to easily fulfill his wordcount.

  • a_commoner
    a_commoner3 months ago

    If you like ridiculous stupid MCs, If you like the author not explaining anything, if you like the story getting more and more ridiculous, than this is for you.

  • a_commoner
    a_commoner3 months ago

    I'm just at chapter 3 and I have a feeling this gonna be the trashiest MC I ever had the displeasure of reading about. He keep ogling at the legs of married woman, especially when she's his neighbor's wife (someone said he would even take advantage of his power to SA her), and when he woke up, he was flustered to find out it's the apocalypse like any normal human being, but the hypocrite trash immediately start judging and trashing his neighbor for going though the same thing, probably the author setting the stage to excuse the MC trashy behavior later, like, WTF, can't we have a normal MC for once.

  • a_commoner
    a_commoner3 months ago
    Respondeu a Kingshadow2324

    It's already chapter 3, and I knew that's gonna happen, like he keep ogling at a married woman's legs, especially when she's his neighbor's wife, and when he woke up, he was flustered to find out it's the apocalypse like any normal human being, but the hypocrite trash immediate start judging and trashing his neighbor for going though the same thing, like, WTF, can't we have a normal MC for once.

  • a_commoner
    a_commoner3 months ago

    The story feels boring even though there's some threats, but the MC always seem so far from danger, witch I can accept if there's something else interesting about the story, but there's not, it's just getting worse and worse with the MC getting more powerful and harem getting into the picture.

  • a_commoner
    a_commoner3 months ago
    Respondeu a Lane

    He kills beast puppies for no reason too, and get himself involved in a situation where the other guy has to kill the MC, so the MC kills him for that, like, WTF, how about you leave him alone.

  • a_commoner
    a_commoner3 months ago

    This got to be the ultimate wish fulfillment novel, the MC is so pampered that the only effort he's required to do is to move his waist hard enough, everything is handed to him, he doesn't even has to to think. I really don't understand where the high r@ting is coming from.

  • a_commoner
    a_commoner4 months ago

    Very slow broring sh*t! The author keeps wasting time focusing on insignificant parts of the world building without really creating anything to keep you interested! Without introducing any conflict, he kept spouting some nonsense about stupid ways of addressing servants, the history of the region, and whatnot.