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There are various cameos already in the fan fiction. There are more planned going forward. So far - Billy Cranston, Aisha, Tanya, Kat, Carlos, Andros, Trey, Dax (masked rider), Servo (SSSS) have been mentioned or feature in chapters - and the Mystic Knights and VR troopers will show up later. I'm more comfortable with team ups with one ranger at a time from the past vs. all 5 though I have set it up so that I can do that if I change my mind. The Zeo zord bay, for example, is stated to have all the zeo zords in deep storage in the mountain.
I am working on it! Re-writing to fix some of the continuity errors and incorrect locations/species is taking a lot longer than I thought it would. I have re-written up to the interrogations - depending on when you read through the story. Once I catch up to the last chapter I released, i'll begin publishing more new chapters.