Hello everyone! There is nothing to write about myself - I just live and exist. If you want to support me, here is a link to my patreon, where you can read the chapters earlier. patreon.com/Aetern1tas
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Harry Potter grew up in Little Whinging with his aunt's family, who might not have been particularly fond of him but never mistreated him either. Harry had a mischievous streak and a curious mind. He wasn’t thrilled at all when he received the letter from Hogwarts—it meant being separated from his loyal friend. However, at school, he encountered one intriguing person (the rest, kind-hearted Harry promptly deemed crazy). And, of course, there were always letters to "the outside world"... If you want to support me and read some chapters earlier: patreon.com/Aetern1tas
Harry comes to his senses after the Battle of Hogwarts and the victory over Voldemort. Being restless, he eavesdrops on a meeting of concerned parties and learns the truth about himself. It turns out that he is not a Potter at all, but the son of a Death Eater, and that he had been used as a cover for the real Harry. Now, they plan to throw him out onto the streets. If you want to support me and read some chapters earlier: patreon.com/Aetern1tas
Naruto's story is simple yet illogical, but this time, things will be different. A soul transplanted into Naruto's body knows the canon, but that knowledge is almost useless; the world isn't the same. He must forge his own path. Brutal enemies, unexpected allies, and rare moments of peace shape his journey. The new Naruto walks his own road, becoming a shinobi destined for Hokage. If you want to support me and read some chapters earlier: patreon.com/Aetern1tas