I love action and romance books so you will always see a bit of both but mostly beasts! Beasts are my passion.
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This story is so full of emotion and life lessons. I give it a 10/10! The ending is beautiful so don’t give up on it halfway!!! Henry will mend all your broken hearts 🥰 and pupa is such an amazing writer!
I’ve had to be the bigger person in almost the exact same way as Kate, with a biological mom who was selfish and abandoned me to the state custody, and then as a whistleblower in my adoptive family that destroyed it and ruined our image with the community so much we had to move. It’s hard. I hated both women for nearly 20 years. But now I have made peace with both of them. I think it’s because I am happy with my husband and kids and my husband has been able to stand by me through the healing process. It doesn’t mean I let them mooch off me. But some people are better grandmas than moms. It takes them a while to figure it out I guess. It’s good Kate isn’t bringing her mom to live with her. My biological mom is homeless and I have never let her live in my house around my kids. But she can visit and I cook her dinner and I make sure I know where she is and that she is doing well. She is actually very happy in her life even if she will always feel pain that her children don’t love her anymore. I’m the only one who talks to her because of what we went through.
I loved the ending thanks 🥰
Thanks for this book!
My heart is still broken for Henry and mad at Kate. It’s going to take a long time to feel better.
I cannot believe that she actually left for two years. What a horrible woman. I try to think highly of Kate but how could she do the same thing to Henry that he planned to do to her. And then have the whole fiasco that he couldn’t be forgiven for it, only to turn around and take the baby herself. It was never her baby it was also his and he has just as much right to the baby as her. It was outright kidnapping. Henry should have at least yelled at her. He will never get back that unnecessary time loss.
Please stop her selfish decision!!!!!!!
She’s so selfish!!! She will only stick by him once hazards have been cleared??!! No! That’s not how you treat your man!!!!
Temporary!!!!!!!!???? Why does Kate not stop doing this? Dalia please knock some sense into her!!!!
Please just stop this mentality Kate!!!!!! It only causes you more danger!!!