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Nice, I recognize that meme but to see it here really made me laugh
I washed my eyes after reading the last line 💀
Damn, you should teach how to this smooth😂
Hey, just checking in again. about my next chapter I can't upload anytime soon because of a medical condition that i explained in an announcement chapter. And also good luck on your next upload can't wait for it
I'm excited for your next uploads and good luck on getting them out as for my chapters I decided to plan how would the go before writing anything more because i started head on without any plans but now after planning is finished iIcan say the next chapter is going to be out roughly on Saturday
Hey man, since i cant'tsubscripe to your Patreon (it's banned where i live) i wanted to know how did the vote for the next fic go. and also I just wanted to check in and say hi.
lol 😂
Thanks for the chapter. And chapter 67 is a bit sus based on the name
Im' trying to make time for writing but school in my place is hard and too long it ends at 5pm and that doesn't include the assignments and projects the professors ask
Don't worry people are reading this.