Weirdo author, Bored Worldbuilder, Dungeon Master, and Barkeep of Echo's Tavern and Inn.
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Thank you, I appreciate it but please put yourself first. It would be purely optional. I'm already considering picking up a second job, been looking up electrician lessons since it seems stable enough.
Had to crop it in a bit more than I wanted to cause WN is picky.
Nah it ain't boring, love the twist. "Boring" chapters like this help build up the story and make it more cohesive.
Meters not kilometers, a meter is close to a yard, or three feet.
Thanks for the review, apart from the grammatical errors, what are some other ways I can improve the story? Thanks for the facts tho, didn't know that rubber bands lasted longer in the refrigerator.
they will always be free.
Thank You. I'm currently working on a sketch of Livre's dish to post with the chapter. I felt the need to let you folks decide since personality as a reader, it got annoying at times when an author would mention their Ko-fi/Patron every chapter and I don't want people to feel like I'd be holding back on writing chapters or anything, or get me hooked on their story only to lock the rest of it behind a membership. I did some preliminary research on Reddit to find some mixed results on most folk's feelings on fanfic authors opening donation boxes so decided to just ask you all directly.