Weirdo author, Bored Worldbuilder, Dungeon Master, and Barkeep of Echo's Tavern and Inn.
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She has been a bit busy, but there will be a chapter of their meeting before the time skip. Crucabena has had her out on a mission to look for and retrieve Clervie with other members of the house.
Technically, yes, it is a curse, but from my understanding, it is from her bloodline, not one the curses Celestia placed on Khaenri'ah. She is the descendent of Khaenri'ah's first Royal family/clan, Pale Moon Dynasty. Her blood lets her generate and control a power called Balemoon Bloodfire, but it seems that the more she uses it the more it will corrupt her body.
typo, ill fix it in a bit, thanks for pointing it out
and technically speaking Mind Palaces and Paracosms are fundamentally different. Mind Palaces are mental constructs purely made for the purpose of improving the recall of information. Paracosms are entire worlds built by a person's imagination, they often have stable geography, people, rules of physics, and the creator can shape it at will. Think of it in terms of scale and function, a mind palace is a smaller mental construct purely made to improve memory. A Paracosm is an entire world in a person's head, and technically speaking, you can create a mind palace within your paracosm, but you cannot have a paracosm within your mind palace.
Yes, however it isn't an immediate thing, he has to create an organized space for the memories to be stored, like a library or something that he can search for specific memories in. One of the rooms in the mental workshop is designated for that (I think I might have forgotten to re-add that after a cloud backup deleted my progress on this chapter), and he is working slowly to accurately categorize all of his memories, however it is will take time to reorganize 30+ years' worth of memories even if he were to boost his mental stats with the system.
It is the creation method; he will work out how to manufacture it on a small scale later. And it is bold to make a blanket statement that only science can be used in engineering, this is a work of fiction, taking place in a world where magic is a thing, would be a waste not to explore such a resource no? The fact that it denies scientific reasoning just means there is a new field to study. Thank you for the input though, I appreciate that you were willing to post this critical comment, as, one, it reminded me of my plans for this item, and two it allows me to explain why Carman will get "magical" items or materials from his system. This means that Carman could get schematics for Iron Man's Infinity Gauntlet, a more technological based item, or Thanos's Infinity Gauntlet, a more magic based item. Sure, we know that Iron Man's was very advanced technology, but Eitri and the other dwarves didn't just slap a bunch of Uru into a gauntlet and call it a day we have to assume that some form of reason and design, or to use another word, engineering, went into it, as it allows Thanos to be able to not only hold but also wield the infinity stones individually and multiple at the same time without being brunt to a crisp by the Power stone in particular, which took most of the Guardians of the Galaxy to control in the first movie. Thanos clearly isn't immune to their power as the snap visibly damages him, so the only explanation to how he is able to survive holding the 6 crystalized core elements of his universe and enforce his will on them is that the gauntlet allows its wearer to do so. The Dwarves were also no slouches when it came to what we would consider closer to scientific engineering as their home and forges were powered by a Neutron Star that they encapsulated using a structure which could be considered a Dyson Sphere. Seeing as Neutron Stars are known to output an insane amount of energy in the form of X-rays, so much that if the structure wasn't containing at least 80-90% of I am sure Rocket would have been cooked as soon as he left his escape pod. This is based on the fact that it took seconds for the energy from the star to reach the forge, to put the distance into perspective, assuming the beam was going close to the speed of light, places the forge MUCH closer to the star than earth is to our sun, as it takes 8 minutes for light to move from the sun to here. If the particles were moving slower than the speed of light, that means the forge is even closer, which would be worse as the X-rays would not have enough distance to diffuse into a less lethal concentration. Sorry for the rant, had a disagreement over the same "which infinity gauntlet is more advanced" argument with a family member.
People keep saying this, and while I do understand the frustration some people have, Ryuzu is capable to telling when Carman is lying (as of this moment), and lying at this specific moment would have been detrimental to their relationship. She in this scene she is quite literally calling him out for keeping her in the dark and keeping secrets. And seeing as keeping Marcel's identity and tendencies almost got him dissolved, something he is just now realizing and recovering from, he is going to be a bit more truthful than he would normally be. Ryuzu is also someone who can be trusted to keep a secret. It's not like he is going to spill the secret to just anyone.
Your wish is my command... Chapter 67 get ready Vasher...
Really? I could have sworn that it was in one of the storylines or character Voie lines that he was part of the house prior to the switch. In fact, I remember reading somewhere that Crucabena strongarmed his mother into giving him up and then told him that his mother had abandoned him to settle a debt.