One rabbit to chew them all one rabbit to destroy them. Seriously who knew how destructive these guys were before I got some as pets.
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Yea arc sounds like lightning not nature. Either that or a story arc.
If he can live up to that name…. Yea the only villan Sherlock Holmes could never catch. Ne whose mind was. Every bit as analytical as Holmes.
Ok how lon*before someone makes the connection between the name draconian pact and the tier 13 dragon that took out the enemy army? Especially when everyone is seeing that the draconian pact member is sweet n the bosses daughter?
Oh plot armor! He just happened to promise his sister he would get her to purple and of course the girlfriend should also go there and look! To advance to purple scrolls!
Yup overawe. If you can’t beat them, join them.
Ok this is heroes, is it going to have the mechanic of overawe? In on heroes if the tier/ combat andvantage was too great monsters would flee or even just ask if they could join you since they wanted to be on he winning side
Yet he said his account before transmitting had 2 of them. So yes never had it on start, but no he’s played woh the units before. I really hate when a supposedly top in the world that’s not only transmigrated but ALSO regressed is a clueless level 1. It doesn’t fit the backstory. Remember your own writing author
What does he mean he doesn’t know. He was supposedly the top rank player having tier 13 dragon units. You don’t get there by NOT understanding the game.
The book has Alzheimer’s. Or really cyclic story. If they can’t think of anything they go back and do an earlier part of the story. The same as the evil cousin. She’s been there a “ long time” so long that she hired finance people and those people were replaced. But according to the story she only came in at the wedding which happened shortly before they returned to school. And they only had 1 year of school left. And are still going there. So this “ long time” can only be a few months at most. But somehow she got all the shares replaced all the people, had some of her people replaced and ran the hotel into the ground while poisoning her uncle all in a few months. So the story has a time loop problem as well
Seen some updates again, glad to see it’s not abandoned