Writer and Reader of Fanfictions!
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It varies. There are instances where she does, and doesn't in comics.
Sequentially, the Star Trek story is first. There are Star Trek/X-Men crossover comics, and I thought about it, but it probably won't happen. If it did, it would be limited to Star Jumper with only an Easter egg mention in Rogue.
For a vast majority of its comic presentation, adamantium has no mythical properties, so that's how I treat it in this story. No cutting magic, at least not with his claws.
This is directly addressed in Arc 8
Source? I'm not aware of this.
Came back for a refresher?
Wrong X-Men.
Honestly, unsure. I've thought about Venom but haven't come up with a solid plan. All of Arc 4 was a Spider-Man story, and so was half of this Arc. It'll be a long while before I come back around to a Spider focused story. Venom, Carnage, and whoever else will be a problem for future me to figure out.
Spider-Sense is major, but Kaine has a few unique powers. One is a game changer in Tyson's hands...