Mexican by birth, but with an international heart. I come from the Twitter™ wastelands, trying to expand my content to as many places as possible and reach as many people as possible.
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Correct, Millie was not affected.
My reasoning was, if Loona can read and cast spells from a Grimoire, an imp can learn a spell or two. (Since according to the hellaverse hellhounds are lower than imps in hiearchy). As for the Goetia affected I tried to imply their realization or ignorance of based on these same cues. "A hellhound wouldn't be able to cast magic, must've been my imagination." sort of way but I also tried to justify each character on their own way; Octavia for example –she's simply too young to be able to tell and Stolas is too "fatherly" to instead assume is Octavia being a teenager near men. At the end I do not deny that I did left some plot holes unresolved for the sake of the story going forward; after all for the harem to happen I either had to take the anime route of "everyone loves the MC because anime logic" or the fanfic route of "what if...." I do plan to address some stuff as chapters go on of course; but because I don't want to take the easy route of saying it during narration –I want to have Arturo learn these things through his ordeal.
Me alegra mucho saber que te gustó! Ya pronto estaré publicando el siguiente capítulo. [img=Loving it]
Although a valid formatting, Long dashes can also be employed for dialogue. But I truly appreciate your input <3 Hope you enjoy the story either way.