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the author ripped Invincible canon to shreds threw it into a pot with jjk, meth, crack, and probably fecal matter. Its an enjoyable read, if you can handle plot inconsistencies, unexplained AU elements, abandoned plot points, and the authors mentality of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ eh why not have stark industries in here, or ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ f it we ball lets add another major story element in the middle of already ridiculous AU insertion
So now anyone can just eat anyone from another reality and gain power from them?
I truly dont understand this “i hope is memories return” He is not the same being? would never regain the memories of another?
Do people who enjoy system novels over non-system counterparts actually exist?
👍 loved the chapter
these longer chapters are great
its so weird how often this novel shoots itself in the foot. first ~80 chapters were awesome, so it set a standard and i dont think its being met anymore
I dont think i’ve ever read one of these chapters and been disappointed. Absolute Literacy
reading this guys books should be reserved for when you are excessively tired and incapable of higher functioning. concepts are enough to get you to click on it the writing is enough to get you to click off