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I like the story so far, well written characters and MC's seems sharp. Its actually smart characters with their own motivations, not just easy faceslapping content but smart characters
One of my favorites in the slice-of-life genre. Great characterization, interesting story, in-depth and accurate looks at the entertainment industry.
Decent start to the novel so far, character is steady and not rash to act. Actually seems to think things through. Looking forward to how things play out, keep it up
Really entertaining started reading it around 5 pm didn’t even know what time it was until I saw the window and the sun was coming out I was like what the f### Read until chapter 13 and if you don’t like it your probably on drugs Just to let you guys know this novel is not for the weak
This is a great book I have come across a great plot. The story building is slow and gradual. There are times when one can get confused on what's going on but as you continue reading you get the real meaning or authors thought. This is a violent story which involves too much blood and killings. But is a great thriller and keeps the reader occupied. This is so far the best book I have read/reading.