Bones and Roses
In the vastness of existence, where the magical and the mundane intertwine, where a skeleton - intricately connected bones - collide, we find ourselves on a journey unlike any other. It begins in a world of creaturely fantasies and seductive contradictions. At the centre of it all is Bones, a lowly, weak skeleton who possesses something special: perception.
Tired of the monotonous existence of his skeletal brethren, of endless decay and hundreds of years spent in the damp, dark underground. Driven by a deep desire to discover the meaning of a real life, Bones ventured out into the world outside, a chaotic world of humans, a world full of joy, excitement and sadness...
And then his path crosses with Lealia, an aristocratic girl on the run from a forced marriage and the stifling bonds of her aristocratic family. Their shy meeting forms the basis of an extraordinary relationship, a testament to the power of self-discovery and the beauty of a unique love. Together they will uncover conspiracies, face formidable enemies and fight to protect their own identities.
Prepare for a story that perfectly blends dark humour with philosophical reflection, a tale where the mundane meets the magical, and an unlikely but deeply moving love story. It is a journey to find the meaning of life, the desire for freedom...
_melon_ · Fantasia
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