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See guys, the author is a sadist…They commented that bonus chapters were to heal the trauma experienced during the book when in reality these bonus chapters are even worse than the actual book. At least in the book, they faced things together. And truly at this point , even if there is a come back for Cane not to die the damage is done…Truly…Awful author, super very dark story and in the end Iris did not get her happy ending…Awful , absolutely awful…
Yeah too bad , you are right it had potential…I stopped reading it though some weeks ago no longer interested…Let me know if/when it gets better 😂
We already new this piece of info that she was her grandmother , in this chapter though she was talking about herself , elder Rose so I thought that there was something else that I missed because the writing can be pretty all other the place. Thanks for the clarification 🙂
What information about Iris parent?
🙄🙄🙄 wow
Aliana gave birth? Or help deliver a baby?
Guest of honor you know…Victoria
Oh my Goodness what did this book do to me? I am so enjoying Redmond everything that Redmond is doing to the head , I am glad that Kellan was behead I am loving him screaming in pain…Now I am scared of my own feelings…
That paragraph make absolutely no sense at all…