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Those negative reviews were true. I really only had to read the first chapter to see what the comments were about. The story was scatter brained and all over the place-- just bad writing in general. Remember this is only my perception of the first chapter, but the problems were so evident. Maybe if the story was rewritten, it would be better?
Dude, did the author just put "****" ? What a terrible word!
Generic (For this character), expected, and still, the best name.
And he did this to random, petty criminals? That's too much...
If it was intended to have romantic aspects, the author would've put the romance tag on it. Adding a new genre to the mix may upset some readers, especially because they weren't told of said genre in the first place. I would stop reading if romance was included, which is very annoying because I invested time and hope into this, and it would all be ruined because the author didn't put a tag saying what the story would be like. I'm just saying the author shouldn't include elements not specified in the tags/summary.
Very good story, but uploads have stopped. The character also gets OP (good or bad depending on your preferences), and some grammar/ spelling mistakes can make some paragraphs confusing. Besides all this, however, the story is intriguing and overall enjoyable. The story also doesn't cover the canon timeline until now (episode 23), which is just something to mention, even if it doesn't matter to you. I'd recommend, but it really depends on your preference.
Oh, yes, since he's obviously an eager nature enthusiast, this makes perfect sense. If he wasn't one, (god forbid), Neito wouldn't exist.