The one and only (I think) author hoping to be able to change the trend on this site :D
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Thank you, but it's what one would call a one-shot and is a stand-alone lol
By this, I mean it depends on what the suggestion is; if it's about an editor, no thank you, if it is genuinely helpful feedback, absolutely, all hail Mcgrath10
Potentially, why do you ask?
Ooooooooh okay makes sense yeah
Because it swallowed the horn jaguar corpse whole, there was literally nothing left behind
Wha But alright I have nothing else to do today except write so
Thank you, but I'm all good. But truly, thank you for the offer! Have a great day =]
Thank you, and I'm planning on just writing what I come up with really whenever :D Sorry that I didn't see this earlier, I've been busy with stuff these past few days since monday XD I hope you enjoy what else I have to offer! Maybe check out my other book, Where Poisoned Flowers Bloom? I'm writing both of them at the same time.
Oh. Uhm. That sucks. They literally have the ability to ignore any and all copy right laws when it comes to your book now :/
By the way, question: Did you sign the Webnovel contract?