


Bananas on Pancakes - MASJ: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1jIhW3uEtedo7vX4Rk0myn?si=cf79ae88b57e43ef

2023-10-29 UnidoUnited Kingdom



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  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a DaoistuRqQA5

    I'm not sure if I'm going to take the harem route for now, but I'll definitely keep it in mind as an option ❤️

    Ch 37 Chapter 37) – Runaway
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a Hatsune_Rin

    I believe so, or at least something along those lines. It definitely sounds like something he would say 😂

    Knowing that the adrenaline and panic fuelled the driver's reaction, we put on a faux offended tone, "Now that's just rude." 
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a Melkpie

    That's a good point, actually. I would like to say that the pass has a chip in it that requires scanning, but I later explain that El inherited Carnage's technopathy, so that's also out the window. For now, assume that Mara forgot about Carnage's technopathy, when she was planning her entrance, until she was later reminded about it by El. I'll add this to the list of things I need to correct when I re-write the first 10 or so chapters once I've improved a little more. Thank you for pointing this out, I appreciate it ❤️

    Following my instruction, Mara looks down to see a VIP badge nestled perfectly between her perky mounds. Raising the dangling badge by the lanyard, up to her face, she confirms that not only have we secured a VIP access badge, but I have also used part of my body to change the details on the pass such that it is now her appearance and name on the badge.
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a LokeErBest

    Appreciate the feedback, I'll try to keep it in mind going forward ❤️

    With the necessary information provided, my host gave Thor the advice he clearly missed from his father's speech, "Cool, well not cool for you, but in more of a general sense. Odin has basically spelled out what it is you need to do in order to re-gain your worthiness, you just ignored it or were too shocked at being banished to notice. You were selfish and arrogant, so do the opposite. Become more considerate of others and stop thinking you're right all the time or that only you know best. As far as stupidity goes, well that can't immediately be solved, but if you listen to others and follow their advice then I would argue that's a sign of intelligence. Since you've introduced innocent lives to the horrors of war, now you need to protect them from war. Basically, think about innocents before heading into a fight or make them a priority during a battle so that they come to no harm. See, easy enough right?"
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Lady Sif's armour, which I had replicated for my host, was silver and dark red. The base layer was a red leather dress that covered Mara's torso and ended in a multi-panelled mini skirt. Over the base layer sat silver armour plates that ended right above Mara's cleavage. Some of the materials I didn't recognise from the glances I had to go off, so I couldn't replicate them perfectly, but I used similar looking materials from Earth that I did have knowledge of as replacements. Mara's neck was 1 such area as it had straight collars that were made from an unknown fabric material, that I subsequently replaced with silk for comfort. On both of her hands were the same unknown fabric wrappings decorated with the same silver as the armour to create lightweight gauntlets. I forwent the silver bangles that Sif wore on her biceps, as they were unnecessary. Rounding out the outfit were black pants, under the dress, and brown knee-high boots decorated with silver metal which matched the armour on the rest of the outfit.
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a Skeptical_Bookworm
    Chapter 35) – Joker And The Thief
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a Zozolek0730

    She was transmigrated from her Earth in 2022, so would be around Multiverse of Madness. I know Loki came out in 2021, but with how messed up it makes the movies prior to it, with all the timeline plotholes, I've decided to take the route of ignoring it. Endgame is another can of worms that I don't even want to try logically explain because it's such a mess. But basically, I don't plan to do the time travel stuff in Endgame 'cause of how nonsensical it is, so that means the Loki show wouldn't happen due to him not getting the Tesseract since the Avengers never went back in time to fumble it.

    Stepping forward to stand between us and Loki, Thor stated, "No! Even after all he's done, Loki deserves a second chance once he has served his punishment and self-reflected."
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a Lana12_Lana12

    Yeah, I plan to use Asgard as a little power boost. Mara will also get a small power from wielding Mjolnir, but it won't be apparent for a while ❤️

    Ch 34 Chapter 34) – The Time Is Now
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a Zozolek0730

    I've already got a nickname, which will be mentioned in the next chapter, but I plan to throw in a reference to this at some point. It's too funny not to.

    Running towards the direction the metal suit was sent, we held out our arm ahead of us and felt Mjolnir's connecting hum as we summoned her back.
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a Zozolek0730

    I dunno if I'll do a full chapter, but maybe half of one would be pretty fun to write about. I'll keep a record of every new flavour I introduce, and when I've done enough of them, I'll dedicate half a chapter where Mara talks with the chefs behind the snacks. Maybe like 10 or so flavours and their rankings ❤️

    Once everyone was secure in the vehicle and the car ahead of us had set off, we swiftly followed suit while Mara smiled at May's response, "Yeah that's fine with me. Just make sure they try it beforehand, so they're not giving me something inedible. Tell them that I'll even mark the packets with a rating if they want, so they get some feedback? If they do want me to do that, tell them not to put the flavour on the outside of the packet so that I judge them without any preconceptions. This actually sounds like a pretty fun game now."
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a JxstASyko

    Thanks for the feedback. I want to say that I have no plans of dropping it anytime soon, but 90% of the authors probably think that before they drop a novel, so it's not exactly reassuring. I'll just say that I also hate it when a good novel gets dropped, so provided nothing major happens in my life, I won't drop it, or I will at least communicate how long a potential hiatus will be. Do you mind commenting on the weird parts in the chapters? I don't mean to call you out or anything, it's just chances are if you've found something weird; others have also found it weird but have just stopped reading rather than let me know what they didn't like in it. Thanks for the review, and I hope you enjoy what there is of the story so far ❤️

    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a Skeptical_Bookworm


    Breaking into a wide smile, it was Clint that responded to my host, "When there's no cops around, anything's legal."
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a Zozolek0730

    It's a saying to mean that no decision has been made on the subject. Basically saying that there's no proof Thor is a God and not just an alien that humans thought was a God

    To make matters worse, May had decided that Mara's head had gotten a little too big. What with her committing robot genocide relatively easily, taking down Vanko alongside the Iron Men without much trouble, and now wielding a hammer possibly from legend as well as being used by a god – although the jury was still out regarding the details of the last part.
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a _Miyasaka
    Releasing his grip on the shaft, Clint stood erect and blew out deep breaths to recuperate.
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a Rakshahsa

    I don't believe so. In the comics, the first time Thor heard of one was when Venom took over his body. And in the MCU, a Klyntar hasn't been officially introduced yet so there hasn't been any mention of him knowing about them. I still need to research a little to see if Odin or Heimdall are aware of them, but if I can't find a definitive answer, I'll assume no one is aware of them

    Ch 29 Chapter 29) – Working For The Weekend
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a Rakshahsa

    Thor movie currently. Some Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. stuff will be sprinkled in, but a lot of that happened after the Avengers - with the exception of a few flashbacks

    With both of them releasing hands, Clint then shook May's hand as he revealed what he knew, "I probably know about as much as you do, unfortunately. An 0-8-4 with Coulson leading the operation down in New Mexico. No details on what the object is, nor what it is exactly that we're meant to do over there. Considering I've been called in, I would assume there's an unobstructed view of the mission site from the surrounding area. The Hawkeye designation is pretty literal."
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a Rakshahsa

    Yeah, I didn't want to use it if I had an alternate, but it was the cleanest excuse I could think of. By cleanest, I mean the one with the least amount of possible plot holes. Say, for example, Mara did say that the memories of getting her power were blurry, that wouldn't explain why there's no record of her in any database or the fact that some of her knowledge might not line-up with the MCU. An argument could be made by S.H.I.E.L.D. that someone wiped her records around the time she got her powers, but that pretty much locks in the suspicion that she's from another organisation rather than leave it open and make her seem less suspicious - considering Fury's knowledge of aliens due to the whole Captain Marvel stuff and Thor's appearance in a few weeks time. I also flirted with the idea of having her appear at various events, help out, and then leave without saying anything so that she builds up a reputation for helping S.H.I.E.L.D. so when she does finally speak to them, they're more accepting of her and don't ask as many questions. But I felt like that would cut into things too far, and I'd have to do introductions during story beats rather than before the action, if that makes sense. Hope that explains a bit of what I was thinking about when I resorted to fake memory loss. At the time, if I could have thought up an alternate, I would have gone with the other option, but fake memory loss was the best fit. ❤️

    "To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. I woke up in a hotel room in Hawaii about 3 weeks ago with no knowledge of who I was or where I was. The only think I knew was that I was called Mara. All my abilities came naturally to me as well, like walking and breathing. The TV was on showing the Stark Expo. Since I had nothing better to do, and I had no clues on how to figure out anything about myself, I went there. From there, I practised my abilities after discovering them, so I knew what I was somewhat capable of before figuring out my next steps. I was kinda hoping time would return my memories to me, so whilst waiting to see if it would, I decided to come over here for the race weekend because it looked interesting. Since I knew nothing about myself, feeling that something was interesting made me think that it might be something forgotten me enjoyed. Using that logic, I thought coming here might bringing some memories back, ya know?"
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a namenotfound

    As a man on his journey to become a shamless author, I apologise for the cliffhanger. It will probably happen again, but I'll try not to make it a frequent thing

    Ch 30 Chapter 30) – Thunderclouds
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a Potato_killer

    Thank you ❤️ I was meant to put a comment stating what it meant, but I got distracted gaming

    "Cocking Nora."
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke
  • BananaPancke
    Respondeu a Paulcait

    Yeah, it is. But even without the Hydra agents, the actual S.H.I.E.L.D. higher-ups have done various questionable deeds, which is why Mara doesn't just blame the Hydra infiltrators for them

    Picking up from where I finished, Mara continued the conversation, [You make a good point. I also doubt that S.H.I.E.L.D. would treat an innocent as some kind of sacrifice to see what would happen. However, I also wouldn't put it past S.H.I.E.L.D. to use the justification of 'the person trespassed onto an official government site and therefore is a criminal and anything goes for a criminal'. There was always an implication in my original universe that S.H.I.E.L.D. would do anything to ensure the safety of the masses. That includes the more… unsavoury side of things - from the general public's point of view anyways - that were only outright stated a couple of times and were never shown due to it being media for all ages.]
    Marvel: A Symbiote's Journey
    Filmes · BananaPancke