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Hi, just answer a simple question. Will you continue these other Fate fanfics?
por que o protagonista é tão paranoico Ah só por causa do viltrumita
uma questão aqui nada a ver se ele fosse para o universo de fate de novo qual classificação de espírito heróico ele seria médio para baixo ou a alta clásse como gilgamesh
ser the TAG
he could go to RoR to try to absorb adam
yep uchiha Rizz afect Ghouls
eu não gostei eu acho que eu irei dropar
velho parece que o protagonista é burro; como ele não percebeu que as simulações são reais até agora
bro I think something very interesting is in my head imagine if Madara (MC)10 tails practically an artificial otsutsuki had a child with a Ghoul I think that from this union an extremely strong being would come out and he probably wouldn't die because the otsutsuki are literally immortal and having the advantages of both races being able to eat human food since he is a half Ghoul It's proven to me in the manga that they can eat human food he is naturally stronger than normal Ghouls and asking here there is no risk of the MC becoming a Ghoul right at most an otsutsuki I wanted to see a lot transforming into ten tails mode