


Just a person that likes writing. And I wanna make people happy too one way or another, so stories is the way I do it... even if its a bit depressing.

2023-10-18 UnidoGlobal



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  • Elusive_Toutawoo
    Respondeu a Zenithnovels

    Sure, I'll give it a look!

    Shining Abyss: Drowning My Depression In Another World
    Fantasia · Elusive_Toutawoo
  • Elusive_Toutawoo

    Alright, gonna start reading again... I am missing out on way too much cause of ny damn heart issues TTI do hope you're doing well though man! Keep up the good work B)

    Ch 6 The Guardians' Secrets
    Mystery of the Whispering Grove
    Fantasia · MonicaLsk
  • Elusive_Toutawoo

    I was supposed to read this way earlier but life had plans... I am tired once more but it did not stop me from reading this. Hella good chapter otherwise! With absolutely no problems. Though if I had to nitpick, it was the occassional moments where things felt repeated (not that they were repeated, just that it felt like it), which is sorta common for novels but sometimes it just slaps ya a lil. I also learned a new word today—ebb. Honestly broadening my vocabulary on this, great job man! I really need to catch up tho... especially since a new chapter is out.

    Ch 6 The Guardians' Secrets
    Mystery of the Whispering Grove
    Fantasia · MonicaLsk
  • Elusive_Toutawoo
    Respondeu a Dummybeing

    Thank you! I'm glad ya think that way especially! I hope the upcoming chapters will continue to hit the expectations ya set B)

    Shining Abyss: Drowning My Depression In Another World
    Fantasia · Elusive_Toutawoo
  • Elusive_Toutawoo
    Respondeu a Elusive_Toutawoo

    I genuinely cannot live down the fact I misplaced that period... I really need to sleep

    Ch 6 The Guardians' Secrets
    Mystery of the Whispering Grove
    Fantasia · MonicaLsk
  • Elusive_Toutawoo
    Respondeu a MonicaLsk

    You're welcome man. I am just happy I can. help, plus, seeing people is more than enough of a reward. I'll do what I can to help ya put further from here, amma actually now go hit the sack otherwise. Night

    Ch 6 The Guardians' Secrets
    Mystery of the Whispering Grove
    Fantasia · MonicaLsk
  • Elusive_Toutawoo
    Respondeu a MonicaLsk

    You're welcome bro! I am glad I could help B)) I will keep reading occasionally and give my thoughts and opinions on it, got your back on this

    Ch 1 Whispers of the Legend
    Mystery of the Whispering Grove
    Fantasia · MonicaLsk
  • Elusive_Toutawoo
    Respondeu a Elusive_Toutawoo

    I am starting to think I genuinely cannot spell or create good sentences without proofreading TT

    Mystery of the Whispering Grove
    Fantasia · MonicaLsk
  • Elusive_Toutawoo

    Honestly a goated book. Like dear god is it good. I may be hyping it up a lil too much but it does a great job pulling you into the story, and the writing really does wonders for it. Although a rather long book given the length of the chapters, it never really feels like its padding it out. Additionally, it honestly just exudes the story book vibe. A must read book if you like Tolkien's work (especially because its the author's inspiration!). Bro was cooking when theyvwrote this

    Mystery of the Whispering Grove
    Fantasia · MonicaLsk
  • Elusive_Toutawoo

    I know this boutta be hella good. I am gonna read this tomorrow however, way longer than I expected... and cause its 12:27 AM right now. I am gonna have one godly sleep with the dreams amma havw from this, I can't stress just how good you did here!

    Ch 6 The Guardians' Secrets
    Mystery of the Whispering Grove
    Fantasia · MonicaLsk
  • Elusive_Toutawoo

    Gahdamn bro, you were cookung HARD when you did this chapter. A long chapter though but still stupidly good, and you did pretty setting up the Whispering Groze here even if its by a lil piece. Really gives me some deep fantasy mystery vibes, especially with the descriptions for Verdant Hollow. Good job man!

    Ch 5 The Gathering Darkness
    Mystery of the Whispering Grove
    Fantasia · MonicaLsk
  • Elusive_Toutawoo
    Respondeu a MonicaLsk

    Yep! Pretty much! I just think that would drive home more of the mystery aspect! Of course, that's just my personal opinion, but I am happy it helped!

    Ch 1 Whispers of the Legend
    Mystery of the Whispering Grove
    Fantasia · MonicaLsk
  • Elusive_Toutawoo
    Respondeu a MonicaLsk

    I wass honetly about to take back what I said right AFTER I finished the next chapter. I get what you're tryna do, and I really like it. It's like reading a detailed story book, I love it! And of course, we're here to help ya improve after all? Myself included. Otherwise, I disagree with my earlier comment on the transition, it really is just left ti how ya feel about it and getting used to it (Though I do still personally think it would be a lil nicer but eh). Though for the details on the forest and all? I take that back absolutely, you went hard on th next chapter... though it would have still been nice to give us a bit of details on the forest before it, because from my side it felt like Theo just immediately found the voices without too much effort, but again, with the way you're doing the story, its waay understandable. Its also kinda like watching a movie, hella cinematic in its own ways. Again, great job man! Keep it up. I'm gonna finish up the next chapter

    Ch 1 Whispers of the Legend
    Mystery of the Whispering Grove
    Fantasia · MonicaLsk
  • Elusive_Toutawoo
    Respondeu a MonicaLsk

    Nah its fine honestly. Though I will give my honest opinion, it is really bizzare how you pulled us out of the immersion. Like the first part instead of addressing the readers mid reading, I personally would have think just transitioning into it like a story is being tpld would have still kept that immersion. Also, I personally think it would have been also nice if you showed us the forest. Like giving details on what the forest is like, etc. Really anything to show that there are secrets lurking and to foreshadow the shadows (puns) that now entangle onto Theo.All of these are personal nitpicks though and do not take me from the story. So far 10/10 writing with zero typos or mistakes, kinda envious of ya. Well done man!

    Ch 1 Whispers of the Legend
    Mystery of the Whispering Grove
    Fantasia · MonicaLsk
  • Elusive_Toutawoo


    Ch 1 Whispers of the Legend
    Mystery of the Whispering Grove
    Fantasia · MonicaLsk
  • Elusive_Toutawoo
    Respondeu a Elusive_Toutawoo

    You're welcome man... and honestly, that writing in my review is absolute dog water. This is why I shouldn't be writing while I am tired TTOtherwise though, I wish ya the best man! I am sure your novel will do great!

    SamiYuri: Flowers of Our Garden
    Fantasia · Yukina_Miu
  • Elusive_Toutawoo

    This honestly just deserves this 5 star. There quite literally is no problem with the writing asides minor typos which is super rare. The chapters are long and detailed, and extremely good at grabbing your attention. Not to mention the characters (for as little as I've known) them has been pretty likeable (Idk how I feel about the king tho but anyways), lastly the world gets detailed hella well too... only thing I did confused about every now and then are the names but eh. A stupidly good book and am excited to see more!

    SamiYuri: Flowers of Our Garden
    Fantasia · Yukina_Miu
  • Elusive_Toutawoo
    Respondeu a Yukina_Miu

    Muehehe... only time will tell. Thanks otherwise!

    Shining Abyss: Drowning My Depression In Another World
    Fantasia · Elusive_Toutawoo
  • Elusive_Toutawoo

    This is kinda cute honestly

    Ch 2 Chapter 1
    SamiYuri: Flowers of Our Garden
    Fantasia · Yukina_Miu
  • Elusive_Toutawoo

    Bro... they got killed so hard. That is one strong as start to a story, pretty long too at that. Can't wait to see more!

    Ch 1 Prologue
    SamiYuri: Flowers of Our Garden
    Fantasia · Yukina_Miu