A reader turned writer, trying to create stories that I love, and with any luck, that many others will love too.
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Both reasons are present in Wiki. Dumbledore's sister is great example of becoming an obscurus due to 'strong emotions of distress.'
Chill! She is not a Deus Ex character and he won't be her dog. Don't worry!
He is not ignoring anything. I didn't want to go into metal's properties but everything is in the chapter- why jewelry metals are famous etc
He is 14 and it wasn't a infiltration mission. But Ethrex, the scroll, has his reasons. It will be talked about in future.
It wasn't repeatable, he just got back to where he was before the scroll took him to the dark place. Nothing got repeated.
Let's say Pokemon World got globalized. What would 'you' like to see as his starter?
You were little quick in that! Seeing the next sentence shows he isn't a Brainlet, he was just being dramatic. And how I am a hearing this term for the first time!
Hogwarts starts at 14 for everyone.
Don't worry, the things you are afraid of won't happen.
I know! But 3 and 7 being powerful magical numbers in Harry potter series I changed the classification. You will see 3 and 7 getting repeated the whole fanfic in numerous actions. I think I took number 3 being powerful from a fanfic?