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For me it shows when you try to leave and it shows the books you can flip through iykyk
Oh nice, my birthday’s in June too
So he’s 19?
I understand what you mean, but to be frank, being in his situation, it makes sense. All of the girls he’s going against are super powered with some some sort of authority in their circle (Angel, Alice) or mental issues (Sophie, Zoe), and are all willing and have killed him at a point, and he’s aware of that. I would be as cautious as possible too. Especially considering that these girls’ POV are warped, a win in his eyes might be classified as a loss in the overall terms.
For me 5’9 is the average and I’m 5’9 and a half
bro. He cheated and she rightfully left. How is her moving on making him a cuckold? Actually she would be the cuckette (or whatever a female cuckold is called). Just shut up and let the author do his thing instead of complaining about ignorant stuff.
He kinda look like lil nas x 😭
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola